Tbis is the last week for this challenge and I have to say I have really enjoyed it. It is hard to tell if you guys have as it doesn’t get many views, but oh well, I like the photo.
With other images I have really struggled to come up with ideas and what I could do to it, but this one has been great. I did think I would do another monochrome, but as you can see I didn’t.
The original
As always let’s start with the original.
One thing that I always wondered was what could I do with that circle on the side of the building. Could I put another world in it, could put a waterfall, just what was possible?
I knew that anything I did would mean using AI in Photoshop and that it would have to be some sort of fantasy image.
Now while I normally started with the original image, this week I started with last weeks image. Just thought it would be easier that way.
Let’s take a look.
So yeah, a waterfall coming out of the circle and then we needed somewhere for that water to go. I have to say that out of everything I did to this image that was the hardest. It wasn’t quite what I wanted and I did try many many different scenarios, but this is the one in the end that I liked best.
Then I thought what about the rest of the circle, I needed something there. I started off but trying for a tropical island look, it didn’t work. Then I decided to try for a rainforest. It gave me some options, but in the end I liked this one. I liked the mini fall in the back ground of it and then the water flowing to where it runs out into the image.
The left foreground seemed a bit boring so I added some rocks that had some with moss growing over them. Again a few attempts to get it this way.
I could have left the sky as it was, but hey this is AI, so I decided to change it. I went for a sky with the milky way in it. I did try a few others, and even did some night skies with the moon, but I liked this one best. Most realistic I thought.
Finally, I knew I needed to put a light in there to make sense of the light on the building. It probably isn’t realistic, but I’m okay with that, I mean nothing in this image is except the original building and the trees.
Do I think it looks real, no, do I think it is a fun image, yes. It is like a fantasy image and that is something that I think AI does very well. I still think AI has a long way to go and it isn’t perfect, but it is fun to see what you can do with it.
So this is the final image in this series for the month. Did you have a favourite? Please don’t say the original, I am more interested in the processed ones and which ones appeal to people.
Here is a gallery with all the images from each week.
Now I need to decide what to do for next month. Do you want me to continue doing these? Are people even interested?
You really went above and beyond with your imagination! Love the fantasy of the image….well done!
Thank you Donna, have to admit I had a lot of fun with this one.
I really love what you did with the building. I know you used A.I. To some degree, we can’t entirely avoid it, so using it as a creative tool seems like a very good use. Too many people seem to feel we work for computers and forget that they are tool and they are supposed to work for US!
I used to do this kind of thing before A.I. It didn’t come out as smoothly AND it was a huge amount of work. I did it on a bunch of pictures over the years. I actually haven’t tried out the A.I. very much yet. Getting it to work properly looks like a big learning curve AND I’m not sure whose A.I. to use. I suppose Photoshop would be a good place to start. If I ever get over this stupid flu bug, I have to take up one of PS many invitations to try there new tools.
But really? I am a bit enchanted at how you redesigned that building. Which, by the way, is a really interesting building without ANY help.
Thank you Marilyn. Yeah, most definitely did. I totally agree, you make it work for you. I like that many things with AI are the same as what we used to do, but it does it faster, however, not always better.
I used to do it too, had fun, but it was a lot harder. You should try it Marilyn, the results can be mixed and sometimes you have to try it over and over. I think the waterfall there was about my 9th attempt, definitely the stream took ages to get what I wanted. I actually think, so far that PS is probably the best. What invitations, I don’t think I ever get those.
I love that building, I’ve been trying to get a shot for years, but didn’t know you could go behind it. Well you can’t really because you get told to bugger off with your camera.
Wow, the “sky is the limit” to what you can now do! (and of course, not just the sky!). – Keep going!
Almost, I think it still has a ways to go, but if you can imagine it you can make it I think. Thank you Geoff, I think I will keep trying and seeing what I can do.
the waterfall effect is pretty cool
Thank you Beth.
I think your AI experiment is fun and I would actually like to see a real world piece of architecture with such a built-in waterfall feature. I think my favourite of the images is the third one because I think the blend of monochrome and muted colour is really intriguing and the way it makes more emphatic the black and white blocks of the building function as a transition between the two.
Thank you Laura, I had a lot of fun doing it. Wouldn’t it be cool if it did have one. I would want to photograph that. I have to admit I loved that one too, week 3. I had to do quite a bit to it though, which I love doing. lol
That waterfall is beautiful! I would never have thought of that. Kudos to you, Leanne, for a great idea.
Thank you Lois, I think it was the first thing I thought of when I thought what can I do with that circle.
This series has been so interesting to follow. Yes, please keep doing these. I think you have fun, and, for me, it’s interesting to watch your progression. You are so talented.
I think it is more interesting too when you pick the right image. I did have fun, especially this week. Thank you so much Anne.
Oh, I like the waterfall one best. The sky is amazing, and the rocks and the water are so much more interesting and fun than the original circle sculpture thing. How cool that building would be if it were really like that.
That is great to hear Donna. I didn’t know how people would react to this, so it is good to hear you like it. Thank you so much Donna.