1 image 4 ways – Architecture from Docklands

I’m not sure this post is going to make sense as I’ve been up since 2 am with my husband who was unwell. He is okay, but we had a trip to the hospital, trip to find a chemist and then another visit to the dentist. Did you now that there are basically no 24 hour chemists here anymore. Great if you need medication at 3 in the morning and the hospital won’t give it to you, you are screwed.

I’m also so far behind with comments and checking out other posts, sorry. I’m just too tired right now and think it might be bedtime. I will do better tomorrow.

Anyway, I have picked a new image for 1 image 4 ways and this is it.

This was taken on a trip to the Docklands before Christmas. We were told just after this that we couldn’t take photos here. It is getting ridiculous. I already had this, so they can’t do anything about that.

I like this building, I always have. Though I had never seen it from this side before. It is interesting and I do love it when they build ones that are interesting.

For Week 1 I decided to just convert it to monochrome, like I said I’m tired, but hope to do more in the next three weeks. I have some ideas. Time will tell where we go with it. So this is pretty much just a basic conversion.

I like it, but I keep seeing things I want to change, so I may do it in monochrome again at some point.

Here is the before and after slider to show you more what I did.

I really dislike what this plugin does with vertical images. I can’t work out how to make it fit. Sorry.

As I always do, let’s the gallery with the original and Week 1 image.

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  1. My great sympathy for all you are juggling!, and my hopes that you and your husband both recover quickly — powerful image, fascinating to see you play with it, and what that creates

    1. My husband is doing a lot better, thank you, definitely on the mend. I just needed some sleep. Thank you, I am looking foward to seeing what else I can do with it.

  2. I’ve only been to Docklands once and I don’t remember any of it so I’m please to see all your images.

    (I hope your husband is on the mend now. I had a trip to the Royal Eye and Ear Hospital E.R. department 2 days before Christmas and the lack of open Chemists was a problem too. I got to the E.R. at around 11.00pm and there were something like 40 people before me so I was seen about 6.30am – I was exhausted so I know how you feel).

    1. Lol, that’s funny Vicki, it is quite the place. Thank you.
      My husband is definitely feeling a lot better. How ridiculous is it, I don’t understand when all the major hospitals have pharmacies why they aren’t open 24 hours. If you really need medication in the middle night, well bad luck. It is so bad.
      We live near the Austin hospital and I can tell that the emergency room was full of people, so why doesn’t a chemist in Heidelberg stay open all night. Would make sense.

  3. Hope husband is better.
    Why can’t you take photos there? Was it the whole of the docklands or just this building?
    (Just spent 2 weeks on your patch – but didn’t get to the docklands)

    1. Thank you and yes he is much better.
      I don’t know, apparently around the back of the buildings is considered private. It is so annoying. You can photograph anything you want from the street.

  4. It’s an attractive building, Leanne. 👍🏻😊 I hope that your husband recovers very soon, Leanne, he is much more important that blogging. 🙏🏻

    1. Thank you John, I think so too. He is definitely on the mend if the number of groans is almost none, lol. The tooth is tender, but he is feeling better.

    1. I love the building Lois, always have and I like the back view more than the front. The front has tram lines everywhere. Thank you Lois.

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