An old photo taken near the Webb Bridge

The other day when I got out that photo of the Seafarers Bridge saying it was one of my favourite images, I discovered a folder of photos that I could possibly do a lot more with.

So today I have a photo that I have never worked on before and I have done a few things to it. I don’t know why I never processed it back then, but I suspect it was because the original had some burned-out spots in the sky.

You see this image was taken just after sunset, so the light was still pretty bright in the sky. It can be really hard to get rid of spots that are burned out, but hey now with AI it is a lot easier. It can be amazing what AI in Photoshop can do.

I don’t mind the end result at all.

I need to look through all my folders and see what I have.

I don’t really like going among crowds too much now. I think the pandemic changed things for me. I have never had COVID and I kind of want to keep it that way. Obviously I do go out sometimes, but I feel very uncomfortable when there are a lot of people around. Thankfully I have thousands of photos in my archives that I have never worked on and perhaps it is time to start going through them and doing just that.

How about you, do you feel anxious about going out and being around a lot of people now? Maybe it is just me.

On another noted the header photo is a cropped version of the one above.

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  1. That sky is beautiful, I love the muted shades in it 🙂

    I did get Covid, but only once and pretty mildly. I get my jabs every autumn, as I do for flu, but apart from that take no special precautions. I go out as much as I used to, including very crowded London, and really only think about Covid when I see someone wearing a face mask – quite an unusual sight here these days. I was just reflecting yesterday how we were told there would be a ‘new normal’ with many past behaviours changed, but I don’t see many signs of that here. The only big difference from pre-Covid is the number of people working at least part of their time from home, but that’s not so much fear of going out as changes in working practices. Companies saw that most people could be just as productive that way, and that they could offer their staff a better work-life balance while saving money on office space!

    1. Thank you Sarah.
      I hear some get it mild and others get it really bad. I think what the real thing is that I don’t like crowds, never have and now I have a good reason not to go out. Have to say I’m proud that I have never caught it, well as far as I know.

  2. Beautiful photo! I became permanently disabled with a serious vision issue after catching a virus, so putting my health at risk is not worth it. We all need to be masking and doing what we can to reduce the spread of viruses.

    1. Thank you Lauren. I am so sorry to hear that happened to you, it is terrible. I agree, you have to protect yourself as much as possible. I always carry a mask for that reason.

  3. I am not afraid of going out. I have been travelling since COVID and think that life must go on. Your photo is beautiful😁🌟💫

    1. I agree to a certain part, but I am reluctant to put myself in the middle of a group of people and then come home sick, that is the worse. I still go out, but not to really packed place. Thank you Minna.

    2. I sincerely hope you are masking in public spaces. The reality is that the mentality that “life must go on at all costs” has disabled many of us.

  4. Leanne, you know I love the Webb bridge! With your edits, this ended up a gorgeous image. I don’t worry about being out amongst others. I got Covid coming home from a New England trip while sitting next to a sick person. I now know how my body signals danger and just leave immediately. I was in a book club meeting and felt the same chilling cold I felt on the plane. I left, came home and took some herbs. Later I heard that a woman sitting near me came down with Covid. I didn’t get it.

    1. I have to admit I thought of you when I was doing the image and remembering how you liked it. Thank you Anne. I know everyone thinks it isn’t that bad, then you hear about someone having it and how horrible it is, basically I don’t want to get sick. So I stay away from large crowds, I still go out, but not much. I love being home, have to admit that.

  5. I’ve had Covid twice, and I have social anxiety disorder and don’t go out much either. Both times it has been brought to me. The first time two years ago, my husband brought it home. Two weeks ago, my son brought it home. So I can’t win. I stay here in the house and I catch it anyway. It’s not fun being that sick.

    1. Sorry to hear that it was brought to you Donna. I’ve been very lucky, I don’t always stay home and I do go out, but I try to stay away from places where there are lots and lots of people, especially public transport. I hate being sick. Thankfully I hardly ever get sick.

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