Favourite Image Series – Tree on a Rock

How could I do a series of images of my favourites without looking at the iconic tree that grows on a rock at Binalong Bay in Tasmania.  It is one of my all time favourite images really. I’ve even sold it a couple of times.

It was taken on my trip to Tasmania in 2017 and was done at sunrise. I remember getting this and how hard it was. Hard because I hurt my back the day before we left and it was still hurting. I was trying to climb over rocks and it was hard with a sore back.

We decided to try and find the tree the night before and I have to say it was the right thing to do. There is nothing worse than going somewhere to take photos and you can’t find what you are looking for. So early the next morning we knew where we were going and we headed straight to it. I knew we were facing east and that meant we needed to get what we could before the sun came up, otherwise we would be shooting right into it.

There was a bit of sunrise that morning but when I took this the colour had gone. Thankfully there were clouds in the sky.

I did try lots of different vantage points and found it hard with the shape of the tree and where the water was. If you moved to other spots to get more of the water then the curve of the tree would be gone.  In the end I liked this POV best.

The image is a long exposure and the time for it was 2 minutes. That surprised me looking back as there isn’t a lot of movement in the clouds, so they must not have been moving very fast.

Now for some bad news.

After finding out about those other trees I decided to find out about this one and if it was still there.

Apparently, it isn’t.

According to an article in Australian Photography, they think it was broken by high winds. As a friend just said at least it wasn’t cut down. Still very sad to find out that it is no longer there.

I guess what we are learning about all these things disappearing is that you need to photograph them when you can and not put it off. Don’t think, oh well I can’t be bothered today I will wait. It might not be there later.

I went to the Bay of Fires to get this tree, but I have to say there is a lot more there and I would recommend visiting it if you go to Tasmania. It is really interesting and the coast line is full of orange rocks. Worth seeing if you ask me.

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    1. I get what you mean, I have to say I think you are going to be facing a lot of change in your country now John. I just hope it isn’t as bad as they say it will be. Stay strong.

    2. I’m glad that President Trump was reelected. So much better than stumbling Joe who wasn’t fit for office. Change indeed, many Americans think the next four years will see huge improvements, I agree. The Democraps want to tear this country apart.

    3. I think this is one of those areas where we have to agree to disagree John. I don’t know what you are seeing there, or where you are getting your news from, but Trump is destroying your country from within. We are getting reports here about how quickly he is changing stuff and not for the benefit of the people there. He is making the USA isolated from the rest of the world and many countries are looking to get ready to fight against the US or looking for new allies. The main news is not reporting what is happening there. They are terrified of retribution. Musk now has control of the treasury, illegally, but who is going to stop him. The oligarchy is taking control and sadly, I feel, Trump is their puppet. Project 2025 is coming to light and the US looks like it is becoming a fascist society. I really hope I am wrong and it won’t happen, but it seems that is exactly what is happening.

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