Favourite Images Series – Seafarers Bridge

I was so happy to see how much you loved the favourite image from last week and I’m looking forward to sharing more with you.

Today I have an image that I took in Melbourne at the Seafarers Bridge back in 2016. Those of you who know me will know that I love this bridge and it is my favourite out of all the bridges in Melbourne.

I also love long exposures and have taken them at this bridge many times over the years.  However, this one is probably my all time favourite of it. It was one of those times when everything worked in my favour. It was taken late in the afternoon on a May day, so not long before sunset. It was overcast, which is great for long exposure photography if you ask me.

It would be easy to think that the sky was put in or fake, but I swear it is exactly how the sky turned out with the long exposure, which I think is another reason I love it. You I’m not shy in telling you when I fake something in an image.

So for those that I know will ask it was a two minute exposure, but I can’t remember what ND filter I used. If I had to guess I would say a 13 stop.

The way the clouds move with the LE that sort of mirrors the sails on the bridge is just perfect to me. It is the thing that makes it special.

I know I often get asked about printing and framing my images, well if I do it for myself and this is one that I have done. I had it hanging on my wall for quite a while. I had enlarged it to a very big image so it looked fantastic on the wall. I removed it for something else. Now it sits facing a wall in one of the bedrooms. Perhaps I should get it out again and hang it somewhere.  Maybe.

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    1. Hi from Florida. Sister and I are here to clean out our parents house. Sad times. My blog will go pretty much silent while I’m away.

    2. Hey John, take care my friend, I imagine it will be a tough job. Glad you are there with your sister. I will be here when you return.

    3. Thank you so much, Leanne, you are very kind! Uhg! My back hurts and this is day one! Hugs!

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