Finding an old house next to the road

When I did the hike to the rainforest we came home a back way and along the road, we came across this old house. Since Chris was driving we stopped and took photos.

I love finding old places like this. They are a reflection of our past and perhaps a look at our future as there will be more and more homes like this as our farms get bigger and bigger. It is sad as Australia is in a housing crisis.

This house for me is very Australian. I grew up around places like this.

I have tried to pick three different views, however when you are photographing a place from the road you don’t get to try many angles.

The flowers or bulbs that were flowering out the front really added to the scene. What do you think, do the flowers help it?

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  1. I like it. I like watching youtubes of abandoned homes. It’s like a frozen time capsule or how they spell. Unfortunately so many destroys so I understand the trespassing signs 🙁

    1. I like that description about them being frozen in time. I know what you mean, it is annoying how people go in and detroy them.Thank you Emma.

  2. It’s sad to see an empty house but it does make for a great photographic subject. I like the pops of colour the flowers provide, especially in the first shot.

  3. Like it all and the story it tells, almost twin houses built adjacent possibly as family grew. In the northeast U.S. this would never work as snow would accumulate where the roofs meet. Return a few years later and the structure may succumb to the elements. … But the flowers will return. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. Yeah, we don’t get any snow, so that is never going to be a problem. Though houses do decay very quickly when people stop living in them. Flowers will always return, which is lovely.

  4. Hello Leanne,
    Love the photos and scene. Really tragic that such an obviously loved place should no longer be considered worth living in. As I often reckon around here, the people go first, the houses deteriorate next, and often it’s the bulbs that the people who built/loved this place planted, which will outlast both people and houses. It’s partly why I love spring bulbs so much. In the move to urbanisation in the UK, certainly in Wales, the same thing has been happening for decades. Houses, big and small gradually rotting in the wet climate. Eventually the bulbs might get hidden beneath scrub – dormant sometimes for decades, waiting for their chance to see the light of day again, if someone clears the scrub/trees. Loved the white blossom tree too? Pear/apple maybe?
    Best wishes

    1. You find these places everywhere in the country Julian. As small farms are sold to larger ones and those larger ones get bigger and bigger these homes are just left with no one to live in them. Plus Australia is a very urban country with most of our population living on the coast. I love seeing bulbs coming up like this, good to hear that it happens there too. I have no idea what that tree is, possibly apple would be more likely. Thank you Julian.

  5. The flowers seem to be trying to spark hope into someone’s decision to give this old home some much deserved love. It looks wonderful, Leanne.

  6. I really like your treatment on these. I like the flowers – the juxtaposition between the decrepit house and spring flowers (new life) is interesting

  7. I love old abandoned buildings. The visual textures of the decay appeal to me but I also like the sense of history to them. I think the flowers being in the frame really add to the theme of the images: decay and life, cycles of nature and life.

    1. Me too Laura, it would have been nice to have been able to go inside it as well. There would be some history in this place, it is probably old, well old for Australia. Glad you like the flowers too, springtime has arrived. I like that about the cycles, thank you Laura.

  8. Excellent find, Leanne! And the contrast between the run-down place and the blooming flowers is good

  9. It’s sad to see houses that were once loved fall into disrepair, isn’t it? The flowers remind me that a family once enjoyed them.

  10. The flowers definitely add to what is already a scene with lots of character. I like the roof too, though it might be noisy when it rains!

    1. I think so too, something about life where there isn’t. A lot of places here have roofs like that, it is very noisy when it rains, it is wonderful. I love our tin roof. Thank you Margaret.

  11. A closer look at the house isn’t really necessary, so the header photo with the flowers in the foreground truly adds to the overall picture, making the scene more attractive.
    At least, that’s my humble opinion 🙂

  12. Well, the home needs a bit of repair but the front yard looks great with the many flowers blooming, Leanne. I’m sorry there is a housing crisis, I wonder why? 🥲

    1. I think the home might be beyond repair now John. lol. I loved the front garden, I wish my bulbs would come up like that. There are lots of reasons for the housing crisis, foreign investment, our politicians and airbnb all contribute to it. Too much corruption at the top. We have negative gearing here, have you heard of that?
      Thank you John.

    2. No, I haven’t. Every government is corrupt today. The UK despises its new government. Our government is incredibly corrupt. I didn’t know yours is too z, so sad.

    3. We have a system here where you can buy an investment property and then claim the loses from it on your tax. So it because a tax break. We have politicians that own up to 30 properties, so they are never going to do anything to stop it. I think all governments are corrupt these days. It is what happens when you have too many people who don’t pay attention to politics and then just vote the way they always have. It is sad, but they have ruined it for everyone. Politics is something we should all pay attention too.

    4. I totally agree, Leanne. I pay attention but too many people don’t. 30 properties? That in itself seems somehow corrupt. Of course they won’t do anything to upset the balance. Corruption corrupts everything! 👎🏻👎🏻

    5. It is a good thing to do. We should all be aware of what our pollies are doing. Yep, they have a lot, and those properties are part of our housing crisis. They certainly won’t. Yep, democracy seems more about corruption and what THEY can get out of it.

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