Lens-Artists Challenge #332 – Shot from Above

Taking photos from up high

This week’s Lens-Artists Challenge has been set for us by Ritva from Ritva Sillanmäki Photography and she is asking us to Shoot from Above. You should go to her post as she shows and explains lots of ways of doing this. Especially good if you want to participate, which I think you should. If you want.

I’m taking my own take on this and you can see in the title I’m using the past tense. I’m showing images that I have already shot.

I also decided to try shots that were shot from high places like buildings, planes or cliffs.

There is really something about looking at the world from above. I love doing it. Perhaps it goes back to the Faraway Tree books by Enid Blyton. They were my favourite books when I was a kid.

The first gallery has photos I’ve taken from the Skydeck in the Eureka Tower here in Melbourne. It is a great way to view Melbourne. I live way off in the distance in the second shot there.

I haven’t been up there since the pandemic and I should go back. I think there is a new building now that blocks some of the view out towards the bay.

Speaking of views from buildings the following gallery are images from New York. When I was there we went up to the Empire State Building at night to take some photos. I do regret not going up during the day as well, but no point harping on it. It was still amazing, though I was amazed by how many people were up there. Very popular place.

We were staying on the 23rd floor of a building and I had a lot of fun taking photos from the balcony there. Every time I heard a fire engine I would run out to the balcony to watch. Yeah, I’m like that.

You can see a lot in New York.

This last gallery I’ve combined. First of all are the photos shot from a cliff and then the ones from a plane.

The Great Ocean Road is a great place to shoot down to because the only way to see the 12 Apostles is by standing on the cliffs above them. You can go down to see Lochard Gorge, though the last couple of times I’ve been the stairs were blocked off, but not sure why. You can take photos photos from above looking down.

Finally, I have some photos taken from planes. I don’t really know where a couple of them were taken, but the last two are from the US. The last one was flying over San Francisco before landing and the second last one, not a great shot, was me flying into New York.

I know I have lots of other shots too, but this is where I decided to stop. Maybe I will post some more tomorrow, or not. Who knows.

I would like to thank Ritva for being out host this week. I would ask you all to please go and take a look at her post. As I said in the beginning she has some interesting takes on this challenge. Please remember if you do the challenge to put the pingback to Ritva and not me.

If you would like to participate in this great challenge then go to the following link to find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info. Don’t forget to put a link in your post back to the host.

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    1. Thank you Tina, I don’t know about practicing it, but I shoot what I can I guess. I don’t know what you mean about new formatt?

  1. Great cityscapes in particular! New York looks great at night and I love how you used a slow shutter speed to get the light trails in the street 😀

    1. Thank you Anne. Apparently the new viewing platform is finally open, so I’m looking forward to going and checking that out.

  2. I was going to comment on how exciting your cityscapes are, when the post went on to look at seaside shots and other out-of-town locations. Your plane photography is impressive. I just end up with bits of cloud and indeterminate bits of mountainside or something!

    1. Thanks! Last time out, a driver started her left turn then stopped, saw me just in time I guess. Scary. 🙏🏻

    2. you have to be careful out there. It is pretty dangerous riding a bike here too, I almost got taken out by a rubbish truck once. Drivers just don’t look. I hope you wear a helmet.

    3. Wow, that’s a big truck! No, they sure don’t and these days everyone is in way too big a hurry. Sad. In a hurry to get to their grave? Sorry, Leanne but I don’t wear a helmet. I survived cars with no seatbelts and wiping out on my bike many times in the 70s. 😂 I hope that luck doesn’t suddenly end.

    4. It was, I was so angry with it. I agree, everyone is in a hurry these days. Not happy to hear about the no helmet. I’ve had a couple of bike accidents and my helmet saved my head and my face. My daughter also came off her bike one and landed face first, if she wasn’t wearing a helmet she would have had a face. They are good to wear.

    5. Thank you for your concern, Leanne, you are so kind! ❤️ I have a helmet but the darn thing makes my head feel heavy and itch. Grr.

    6. That’s not good. I don’t want my government telling me that I have to wear one. Many states have dropped the helmet law for motorcycles. I’d wear one if I rode a motorcycle.

    7. I imagine our government does it because the hospitals got sick of people coming in with head injuries and then brain damage because they didn’t wear helmets. We have a free healthcare system so people doing things like not wearing helmets and having accidents means they are a drain on the healthcare system. They do tons and tons of studies and make these laws because they protect people, they don’t do it to annoy us. It is the same with seatbelts, they protect you in accidents, and once you get used to them then they aren’t a bit deal. Never underestimate how many damage you head could sustain if you got hit by a drunk driver or someone speeding.

    8. Wow man… your comment has made me think about my opinions on helmets. You are a wonderful friend, Leanne. ❤️

    9. I think we all think we are fine, but we tend not to think about the what ifs. I watch this couple on YouTube and she never wears her seat belt properly or put her little girl in her carseat properly. She thinks her partner is such a good driver, but it doesn’t matter how good he is if a drunk driver runs a red light, or someone speeding loses control. You just don’t know. I had a boyfriend when I was 21 who was a safe driver and rider of a motorbike, there was a stretch of road that I know he always made sure to ride at the speed limit, a dumb woman decided to overtake a car in the opposite direction to him and she hit him killing him instantly. Didn’t matter that he was a safe rider, she wasn’t.
      If you think your helmet is heavy go and get another one, there are ones that are good and light. Also a good helmet will protect you if you come off your bike at a high speed and will stop your head from catching on the road and snapping your neck. Modern helps are light and designed to slide across bitumen. I do feel very strongly about his. Sorry, I know I’m ranting.

    10. Oh my gosh. You aren’t ranting , Leanne! I wish that I could give you a bear hug! 😭☺️

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