Monochrome Madness #26 – The Letter T

The theme this week is the Letter T and everything that starts with it. Our host is me, me, me. I hope you all know who I am and if more people don’t put their hand up to host you will be seeing me doing it a lot. If you are interested, instructions will be at the end of this post.

So the letter T. I like challenges like this because you never know what people will think of.


The obvious choice is trees and we have done trees already as a theme, but when we did it first time I only used infrared tree photos. This time I went to many of my tree photos and converted them. Some of them should look familiar to you.

I think one of the wonderful things about trees is that we all have heaps of photos of them.


The next thought I had was tea, the drink of course. I wanted to show that, but then when I was going through my photos I realised that many images show teatime, the afternoon or morning tea where we have a cuppa and a little snack. So I went for that next. Anything to do with tea.

I have always loved the idea of tea and what surrounds it. I think this year I want to do more with it. I’ve been collecting stuff and now all I have to do is set it up and photograph it. Perhaps it is time for me to get better at still life.


Lastly, I had to find a flower that started with the letter T and tulips came to mind. However, if you put into Google flowers that start with the letter T you get a lot that don’t. Google is strange at times.

I went back to all the times I went to the flower show and photographed tulips. I thought I had more, but these were all I found. Not that it matters, they are such lovely flowers.

I am looking forward to seeing what you all do for the letter T. There must be hundreds of things you could show.

Can I really thank myself for being our host this week, well why not. Thank you Leanne for hosting and giving us our theme this week. Alright it has been really hot the last few days and I haven’t been sleeping well, so I’m a bit loopy at the moment. Have I said how much I hate summer? Well, I do. Give me winter anytime.

Participating in Monochrome Madness

If you would like to participate in this challenge please post photos on your blog and use the tag Monochrome-Madness, then I can use the reader to see what you post.

You can also leave a pingback, do they still call them that? Basically, you put a link to my monochrome madness post in your post and it leaves a link in the comment section.

Don’t forget to check out the Monochrome Madness page. On this page, the next theme is announced and there is also all the information for participating. We have also included a list of themes that will be coming in the future so if you want to be able to plan ahead you can. They aren’t in order, but will happen. Please go and check it out. Click on the Monochrome Madness heading in the menu.

Also if you would like to host one week or more, let me know.

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    1. Sorry to write here but it seems I can’t write an independent message – and I hope Margaret doesn’t mind.
      To Leanne: I was very tempted to go for trees – particularly in winter they are wonderful for monochrome photography when there branches are barren and they look so stark against the sky. As your examples (even the one with leaves) so wonderfully show. Your tulips are great but I am always reluctant to rob flowers of their colours. And your tea time photos are very stylish. — In the end I went with table, at least with some of them taking adavantage of winter:

    2. That’s definitely weird Elke, why you couldn’t comment.
      Glad you found a way.
      Thank you, I look forward to seeing what you did.

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