One image 4 ways – The Gaiety Theatre in Zeehan Tasmania Week 3

We are up to Week 3 now with this image. I am going to put links at the end of this post to the first two weeks in case you want to go back to see what I did with this photo.

It can be hard working out what to do with an image, I think I spoke about this last month. Sometimes the solution is easy and others you have to try harder. I have to admit that AI is handy in situations like this and I’m sure it will come as no surprise that I did use it a bit for this image.

Let’s start with the original as we always do.


Again the cars were removed and each image has been done with those gone.

After the monochrome version last week, I had to think a lot harder about what to do this week.

The obvious thing to do was to replace the sky with a long exposure sky. I love clouds in the sky and made them streaky.

One thing I haven’t liked is how the building really fills the frame, so I made the decision to give the building some space around it. I did that with crop tool and then used AI to fill in the blanks. Let’s take a look.

Week 3

Obviously, what is really there isn’t going to be shown here. I don’t know that AI is really that smart. I think for things like this AI is a good tool to have. I mean there have always been different ways to do this previously but it has never been this easy. So far from what I’m seeing AI is making a lot of things far easier to do in Photoshop.

I am starting to think this isn’t a great image for this challenge either. I need to pick better. If I do this again, I will have to pick something different, very different.

I was sent a link to a blog post with a lot of information about the Gaiety Theatre and if you are interested in reading it, click here.

Here is a gallery of each week so far.

Here are the links to Week 1 and Week 2.

One image 4 ways – The Gaiety Theatre in Zeehan Tasmania Week 1

One image 4 ways – The Gaiety Theatre in Zeehan Tasmania Week 2

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  1. I think you’re right Leanne. This wasn’t perhaps the best image to play with. It’s a building. It filled the frame. Job done. If you’re wondering what might be better… ah well. That’s a tricky one. Thinking cap time!

    1. Yeah, I really need to think about it if I am going to do it again. I might try a landscape or something like that. Maybe that would be better. I have worked out next weeks, not sure it is that good, but it is interesting. Thank you Margaret.

  2. The augmented sky version is the best one I think, Leanne. I am not a fan of AI anything, it seems dangerous. 💀

    1. That’s great John. I get the apprehension about AI, but I think we have far more serious things to worry about so I don’t think about it too much. lol

    2. Yes, there are far more important things to worry about. Maybe I’ve seen too many science fiction movies. 😂

    3. Maybe, lol, I know what you mean though. I’m like that about camping, I’ve think I’ve seen too many supernatural things. 🤣😂🤣

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