One image 4 ways – Week 3 a photo from the city

Well, this was a hard week. I had something planned to do with this image, but I couldn’t get it to work. Of course I left it really late, so I am so far behind now. I just had to do something similar.

There is a lesson here somewhere, something like don’t leave everything to the last minute.

Last week I was talking about how I didn’t like the sky in the image. Let’s take a look at the original again.

So this is an early morning image. No clouds, which is always disappointing.

The sensible thing to do seemed to be to add some clouds. As people may have realised that would also mean clouds in the water. Well to get around that I cropped the image so there is no sky in the water. Cheating maybe, but easier to do it this way.

I think it works this way. I did attempt to put the clouds in the water, and maybe I might still do that, but to do it properly I didn’t have the time. I need to start thinking about what I will do with the last week next week now.

I hope you find this one okay.

Here is a gallery of all the images so far.

If you would like to do this with me, then please link your posts to mine and use the tag 1image4ways so I can find them as well.

Each week you must use that basic image or the original, but what you do to it is completely up to you. As long as you can tell it was from the original image.

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    1. Thank you Esther. YOu can do it in software that allows you to use layers. I use Photoshop and I know you can do it in ON1 as well.

  1. Well, you _could_ see a lesson there if you wanted to… but you could also half as effortly decide there isn’t one.

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