I sailed the bay one too. Been on several tour boats. Sailing was a blast but I was a mate, so no time for pictures. We traveled about a mile beyond the GGB, through a section caked the potato patch. Talk about rough water. So exciting. Reply
Yeah, it is busy on them that’s for sure. Yeah it was rough and windy when we went too, we were going so fast, it was so good. Thank you Popi.
Sailed. Spell check getting coffee right now.
Coffee is always good.
I sailed the bay one too. Been on several tour boats. Sailing was a blast but I was a mate, so no time for pictures. We traveled about a mile beyond the GGB, through a section caked the potato patch. Talk about rough water. So exciting.
Yeah, it is busy on them that’s for sure. Yeah it was rough and windy when we went too, we were going so fast, it was so good. Thank you Popi.