Lens-Artists Challenge #303 – Connections

This week Donna from Wind Kisses has asked us to think about connections. This is an interesting challenge and one that I think will mean different things to different people.

For me, I instantly thought about places and the connections I have with them. I obviously have a massive one with Melbourne. It is the city I live in and has been my home for almost 40 years. There isn’t much about the place I call home that I don’t like photographing.

Then I thought about Tasmania and how much I love going there to take photos and want to keep going back. However, there is one place that I do feel a real connection to and one that I have not been going to enough recently.

The Mallee

This is an area up in the North West corner of the state of Victoria. I don’t know how many times I’ve been up there. I started taking photos over 30 years ago there. Part of the reason I keep going back is because my mum lives up there and another reason is that I spent a couple of years there when I was growing up.

It is one of those places that everytime I go up there I feel like a kid. No idea why, but I do.

There is something very different for me there. It is a place that is losing its population and many of the buildings are slowly eroding away. It was once a thriving community, but as the farms have got a lot bigger the population has declined.

I love going up there and taking photos. I don’t show photos from up there very often and thanks to Donna I have the perfect opportunity to show some of my favourites. It hasn’t been easy to pick which ones as there are so many. I could do many posts on this if I wanted to, however, I have restrained myself to these.  If you would like to see more, let me know and I will see about doing another post.

I also did a timelapse of the town my mother lives in when I was there last.

Thank you again Donna for picking this challenge for us. I loved it. I hope everyone enjoys this place that means so much to me and has real connections for me.

Maybe you would like to participate this week, it is a great challenge to do. To find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info.

Monochrome Madness – next challenge

I’m a bit late announcing this but Sarah is our host this week and has decided on people for the theme.

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  1. Wow, Leanne. What a great place for photography. Loved your timelapse. Woomelang does not look much different from our dying prairie towns and villages here. Happy weekend. Allan

    1. Thank you, it is a great place for photos. I can imagine there would be similarities, you have a good weekend too Allan.

  2. A beautiful post as ever, Leanne. I loved the timelapse very much, and the music chosen for it. Sad but beautiful.

  3. This is a beautiful post, Leanne. I can tell that the place is special to you. Is the house you photographed the one you lived in, or your Mom’s?

    I especially love the shot of the old car with the Milky Way. They are all awesome.

    1. Thank you Tim, it is special. No, the house I lived in has been moved to somewhere else. Though not far away. I don’t photograph my mum’s house for her privacy. I love that shot of the car and milky way too, it was a lucky shot that night.

  4. There is something very special about being able to revisit a place we love Leanne. It’s sad as thriving places decline but it’s life I suppose. Thanks for sharing it so beautifully

    1. So very true Tina, it is a great place, though I suspect when my mum leaves I probably won’t go back. It is very sad, but sadly not a lot we can do to stop it. Thank you Tina.

  5. You’re timelapse is fantastic, Leanne, and your photos have a very nostalgic feel to them. I love them all, as always. It’s hard not to!

  6. The Mallee looks like a wonderful area for photography, your shots are excellent 🙂 I love the dead trees, tumbledown buildings and silo art. Yes please, let’s see more!

    1. It is Sarah, and always changing in some ways and staying the same in others. I will see what I can do and get more images together. Thank you.

  7. So many connections we make in our lives, Leanne! You’ve shared some of your own in your artistic style. I enjoyed watching the timeline video. Now I am interested in trying something similar.

    1. Thank you John, or is it JOhnbo? I agree we make a lot of them. Glad you liked the video. I hope you do, it can be fun.

  8. Excellent choices for the challenge, Leanne. I loved how you showcased old/decaying buildings. They are wonderful, as are all the other photos in the post.

  9. Professional as always Leanne. I’m more of a fan of the natural look. Love the time lapse too. It’s easy to forget clouds are in motion!

    1. You never know. I go up there often, or I used to. There is a lot up there and if you want some tips on where to go, let me know if you decide to go.

  10. I enjoyed the video, Leanne. Old town like this that start declining always make me sad. We have one town next state over that we just drive up and are always sad to see yet another empty storefront. Sure someone will think the town is worth saving. At least I hope so.

    1. Thank you Lois, glad you enjoyed it. It is sad really, hard for the people left, but they are a community and they manage. I think the problem is that there isn’t the population there anymore. Though lots of people have moved in because the houses are cheaper. So who knows what the future will bring Though those people are generally retired as there aren’t jobs for younger people.

  11. This is quite an eclectic collection of images Leanne. I really like the night sky images and timelapse. A lovely tribute to Woomelang.

    1. Thank you Brad, I love doing the milky way adn the timelapse is something I love doing. Hey Brad, why do you comment with the same blog but under different names?

  12. Leanne, this is SO special and I am so glad Mallee is where you found connections. Your impression of the town feels like a step back in time to me. Places like that grab our soul and stay. It is funny, as you say, you aren’t really sure why but it makes you feel like a kid. I can see that. The wandering, the curious empty spaces, the stories from the past. This was fantastic, and I loved the time lapse along with the music that connected us to this interesting place. So great! Thank you. A beautiful interpretation.

    1. It is like a step back in time Donna, like a place time forgot. Thank you so much Donna, I’m glad to see you like the place I feel connected to.

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