Lens Artists Challenge #317 – Walking the Neighbourhood

Last week was all about destinations and fun and this week it is about our neighbourhood. Tina from Travels and Trifles is our host this week and has chosen Walking the Neighbourhood.

My husband and I moved here 30 years ago last January. It has to be said that when we first got here we thought we had made a massive mistake. We were out in the middle of nowhere. We had paddocks across the road with cows in them and now horses are there.

Over the years we have discovered that while we do seem to be in no man’s land, where we are is a slice of heaven in a city that is mostly concrete and steel. However, we are surrounded by parks, trees, a wetland and lots of wildlife. Surprising when you consider we are only about 15km from the city centre and there are lots of suburbs past us.

This is the place I go walking all the time. It is also where I often take new photography gear to try out. My girls learned how to ride their bikes there and I used to ride mine there too.

It is full of wildlife, you often see kangaroos and lately, we have been seeing a few wombats. Because of the wetlands, there is an abundance of birds too. There are some creatures none of us want to see, the snakes. Two very venomous snakes like to hang out down there, Tiger snakes the Eastern Brown. You really have to be careful in the warmer months.

It is a beautiful spot and I’ve been taking photos of the area for many years. I even did a book of the area as we were worried that we were going to lose it to a freeway.

It was hard to work out what photos, meaning I have so many I had to force myself not to keep adding them. I hope you enjoy these photos and love where I live too.

Thank you to Tina for giving me a theme where I could show photos of my amazing neighbourhood. Please take a look at her post and feel free to share your neighbourhood as well. Don’t forget to link your posts back to Tina.

If you would like to participate in this great challenge then go to the following to find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info. Don’t forget to put a link in your post back to the host.

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  1. A fantastic area to live in – the best of two worlds. Wildlife and gorgeous nature – so loved your B&W choices there. The mist, and the naked trees, and the birds of course. Thank you for taking us to your area!

  2. Beautiful nature scenes, Leanne! I guess when I think of Australia, two things immediately come to mind – the Sydney Opera or the vast expanses of land with unrestricted nature..

  3. The best of both, I think. Close enough to the city centre but with all the wonderful things of being closer to nature. I love your naked tree shots, Leanne.

  4. Wow, you have some stunning scenes on your doorstep and you’ve captured them beautifully! I especially like the misty and the reflective shots. And I too struggle with having so many images I have to force myself not to keep adding them!!

    1. Thank you Sarah, I do, I’m very fortunate. Thank you so much. I love it when it is misty down there, have to get up very early to see it, but then it is cold. lol. Too many images, I suppose is a good problem to have, maybe. hahaha.

  5. What an incredible place to live. A photographers paradise. In awe of most of these shots, however I particularly liked the long exposure shot in Victoria. How did you take this photo, how long was the exposure?

    1. It is Paul, I feel very lucky. It is a long exposure with filters, I don’t know how long, but it was probably around 2 minutes, most of mine are. Thank you Paul.

  6. What a heautiful “back garden”, This was an important choice for me when buying a property. My “back graden” has the clifftop parks looking out over the Pacific Ocean…. ahhhhhhhh, aren’t we both lucky!

    1. We are very lucky Geoff, it is great when you are at the right place at the right time to buy amazing places. Thank you Geoff.

  7. So beautiful, and you have Kangaroos, real live Kangaroos 🥰. When we first moved to the Lowcountry we had the same thoughts. I lived by a Goat Farm!! We had Alligators, real live Alligators. Far cry from growing up in NYC. And like you… now I’m never leaving 😁.

    1. Yep real live kangaroos, we see them all the time. I get what you mean with the alligators too, it is great to have wildlife close by. I never want to leave here either, you know when you have found home. Thank you Ted.

  8. An amazing gallery Leanne, so many favorites! The 2 birds are wonderful and of course we who don’t have them adore the kangaroos! As always your nature photography is marvelous. What a beautiful area, venomous snakes notwithstanding!

    1. Thank you Tina. I love the kangaroos too and I love that they are just wild around here. Yeah, it is a beautiful place, even with the snakes. lol

    1. It is great isn’t Ceci. Though we aren’t really on the outskirts, there are a lot of suburbs past us. We are near the river which helps. Yeah I could do without the snakes. lol. Thank you Ceci.

    1. We really did John, the paddock across the road is what drew up in and the fact that it was never going to be built on. Thank you John.

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