One Image 4 Ways – Preview for next month

Well, who knew there would be 5 Thursdays in the month of October? So what to do.

Then I thought what if I showed the image that I will be using for the next month.

Again this is going to be another repeat. Actually, this was the first image I used for the first ever challenge. There is one week here that I did love, but you will have to wait to see it.

I had this idea of whether or not I could provide an image and if others want to do it along with me they can see what they can do to the image as well. Let me know if you think that is a good idea and we could do it next year.

Another option is taking turns using other people’s images. At the moment just thoughts.

So here is the preview of the image for next month.


While I have you here, I hope you are still reading, I wanted to apologise. I feel like I haven’t been around much. It seems my mum has got to that age that she needs more help. Not necessarily with her day to day life, but with understanding bills. When I was up there last week I was going through a couple of bills that she was complaining about and OMG the way companies take advantage of our elderly is just disgusting.

So I have been having phone calls with companies and then calling government bodies here whose job it is to help us sort out the problems. So far one seems to be sorted part of the way, however the other problem is proving to be difficult because they won’t speak to me. Even when mum calls them and says you need to talk to my daughter, it isn’t enough.

We have decided that it is time for me to have the power of attorney so I can represent her properly and more easily. I don’t need it for a lot at this stage, but it will be good to have it when I need it.

It is hard to think of our parents getting old. I just hate what is happening to her. I really want to get this sort of thing worked out because I don’t want this happening to me when I get older. Of course the biggest problem with mum is that she doesn’t get the whole technology thing and that is often where she gets tripped off. She can’t find a bill at the bottom of an email. It is hard.

So please forgive me for not getting to other blogs or responding to comments as quickly as I should. I will get there eventually.

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  1. Yes I got power of attorney for my mother’s affairs. In the end it was either an old folk’s home in England … or bring her here to live in Peru. Her mind was slowly slipping away, and I am not even sure if she knew she was in a different country. One day she said to me, I want to go home!” I felt so bad! “What had done?” However, I took her down in the lift, and then brought her back up again to her little room…… “Oh thanks,” she said with a smile. It’s so good to be home again!”

    1. I love that story, it is sad, but also lovely. My mum is still okay, more about technology and the internet that is the biggest problems for her at this stage, but I am sure that will change with time. We have said that she will need to come and live with us, but when that will be we don’t know. Probably when she can no longer drive herself, as the town she lives in you can’t really live there if you don’t drive. Thanks for sharing your story Geoff.

  2. I’m on your mum’s side of that generational equation, and I have in place representation agreements with younger family members, so that they will be able to step in when and as needed. It is very important, so please persevere. I’m glad your mum is willing to have help, not pretending there are no issues. Head-in-the-sand benefits nobody; honest talk and appropriate action respects everyone, and empowers everyone appropriately, as well. Good luck with this navigation. It’s worth the effort. (And yes, your mum is more important than your blog. We blog-followers all understand that! Your priorities are in exactly the right order.)

    1. That is good to hear Penny, mum put it in place a long time ago, I didn’t think I would ever get to a point where I would need it. I think my mum loves that I am helping her and hoping can stop her from being ripped off. So true, it doesn’t benefit anyone. Thank you so much Penny, good to hear that people have understood, it is exhausting fighting the battles, bad enough when it is me, but when you are doing it for someone else it is even harder.

  3. I’m sorry to hear about the issues your mum is having with bills etc., and your frustrations in trying to help. You’re right to get power of attorney – I had it for both my parents and it made things a lot easier. My sister and I divided the responsibilities. She lived much nearer to Mum and Dad so took care of day to day things – visiting more often and when Mum was still living in her own home, getting shopping etc. Meanwhile I took on the financial side of things – selling their old house, managing bank accounts and when the time came, getting probate. None of it is easy, but there are things you can do to make it less difficult.

    Back to the image, and I rather like the idea of providing a photo that everyone has a go at editing – the results would be very interesting!

    1. Thank you Sarah, yeah, I think we agree that it is time for it. She can still do a lot for herself, but some stuff she needs someone who can understand what is going on. There is a lot that will happen I suspect, but eventually the plan is for her to live with us, which will make it even easier, but hopefully that won’t be for a long time.
      I think you are the only one that has said anything about doing that, maybe we can talk next year about it.

  4. No apologies needed, Leanne. My husband gets confused with things so I handle all the bills. One statement I had called about and was told ‘your husband doesn’t have your name on this account.’ I told them I thought our check and their second statement had crossed in the mail and I just wanted to be sure that had received our payment. Reluctantly, she told me, yes, they had received it. What a chore. You are smart to get this taken care of right away.

    1. How frustrating can it be, you just want to help, but they make it impossible, I mean the companies. It is such a chore, we are having so much trouble, hopefully the power of attorney will help. Maybe you should get one for you husband now. It is sad though isn’t it, the reminder that we all get old. Thank you Lois.

  5. Leanne, I’m so sorry you are having to get power of attorney for your mom’s affairs, but it is the right thing to do. I live in a senior community and I hear of scams on our residents all the time. Fortunately we have a group that meets once a month and sends out a report in our newsletter.

    1. Thank you Anne, yeah, I think it is time for it, and definitely the right thing. Scams are so bad right now. That is good that you have that, I feel for those that have no one.

      On another note I heard from Sandy and she tells you aren’t coming to Australia next year.

  6. Oh dear. Poor both of you. So hard. And I’m getting nearer and nearer to where your mum must be and it terrifies me. She’s lucky to have you around!

    1. Thank you Margaret, It is hard, but we still have time I think, she is still doing well, it is just technology she struggles with so far. I hope you have someone too Margaret, we all need someone to look out for us. Take care Margaret.

    2. All my family is fairly distant (in miles, not emotionally!), but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Meanwhile, good luck to you and your mum.

    3. That is hard, my mum is a 4 and half hour drive so close, but not really. We are preparing for the day when she will need to come and live with us.

  7. I’ve been where you are. At the end of her life, my mom put me in charge of everything. It’s not easy. It also made problems in my own situation in that my older brother who is less responsible was hurt because he wasn’t given “control”. So stupid. It wasn’t something that I asked for or would wish on anyone else. I hope you get things straightened out for your mom. Good luck

    1. It is not easy. Though my mum is still good to look after herself so far, so that is something, but there are things she struggles with. I am the oldest so it makes sense I would get it. I know what you mean, you don’t always have control with it. Thank you so much Donna, I guess this is the start really.

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