Reposting – USA Wanderings: Jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

I had planned on doing another post today, but time has got away from me. Instead I went through all my posts from the USA back in 2015 and found one to repost. I am hoping at some point I will get them all reposted on this blog. Today’s post is from a day I had photographing jellyfish. I would love to go back there and do more of this.

Almost ten years ago my husband was here in the States and he raved and raved about a trip he did to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. He said it was one of the most amazing places he had seen. I really didn’t think I was going to get there, but the other morning we didn’t have much on so we decided to go and take a look.

We didn’t have a lot of time, and I took  a lot more photos, but thought today I would just show you the jellyfish. They were so amazing, and the displays for them were fantastic. Low light and constantly moving jellyfish proved to be a challenge, but it was one I was happy to take on.

I am not going to say anymore today, I will just leave you with some photos from the jellyfish at Monterey Bay Aquarium.

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  1. Amazing photos, and an amazing place. I live in northern England but in 1987 I was making my way across the US and decided to stay in Monterey for a couple of days and like yourself I casually decided to visit the aquarium. I’ve always remembered it, but I guess it was even better in 2015. Thanks for reminding me of this fabulous aquarium.

    1. It is one of those place that is hard to forget. I don’t know if it is or isn’t Paul, but so amazing. Glad to have brough back memories for you. Thank you.

    1. It is an incredible aquarium, I am unhappy that it is in another country. We have one here, but it isn’t as good. I am glad your family enjoyed it. Thank you Margaret.

    2. Yes, Tom said it was so many more times better than any other aquarium they’d ever seen. And many of them are good, even very good.

    3. That was my husband’s view too, he just raved and raved about it. Not here, our aquaruim is a bit small and very pricey.

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