Reposting – USA Wanderings: Leaving San Francisco

I have another repost for you today. This time it was my last day in San Francisco and the next morning I had to get up early to catch a plane to New York. The day ended in what I think is pretty typical for San Francisco or rather what the world thinks happens a lot there. Here is the post.

Carrying on from yesterday, we did go and see the play Beach Blanket Babylon. It was fantastic, and if you get a chance to see it then I really recommend it. I didn’t get everything, but the costumes and such were so amazing. It was a visual treat as well as entertaining.

We had planned on having dinner in the city but the car park where we parked the car was closing so we had to leave. We decided to head back home.


As we were leaving we realized that all the sunshine was gone and the city was covered in fog or low clouds, not sure which. I suspect all the same thing really. So you can see we lost the top of the buildings.


As we got on the freeway to head to San Jose a look back at the city revealed all white. The city had disappeared into a blanket of white. Very weird.  Not a great photo, I’m afraid, but I wanted to show you how it looked. Taking photos from a car is never great.


Then as we were going along the freeway you could see the sun setting, but also the fog rolling in. It really was rolling in. I was so fascinated by it. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was so strange. Here fog just appears, it doesn’t come rolling in like this. You could see it moving along. Even now I am totally amazed as I think back to it. I think if I lived there I would be trying to photograph it as much as possible. Though it is easy to say that when you don’t live there, it is like snow I guess, great to visit but a pain to live with.

I have some more photos for you, not many more, and they are pretty much the same thing, just slight differences, I hope you don’t mind.  I hope your weekend is going well. I’m taking it easy, before a busy week.

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  1. When I lived in San Fransico, I looked west toward the ocean and many times, and at other times, I watched the fog roll into my neighborhood or over the hills.

  2. I think these photos are beautiful, Leanne. That first photo of the tall building with the fog…wow. We don’t get much fog down here, which is disappointing after seeing your photos.

    1. Thank you Lois, yeah I was pretty amazed, considering a few hours before it the sun was shining. We get fog like the city ones here from time to time, but I had never seen fog rolling in like that before.

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