Tasmanian Wanderings – Around Dove Lake under Cradle Mountain

Today I was up very early to get to Dove Lake to see if I could get a sunrise with Cradle Mountain. I got something, so not totally unhappy.

We headed back for breakfast and then got ourselves ready for the walk around Dove Lake.

It is said to be a moderate walk so some hard parts and easy bits. There are so many steps up and down that it does get hard on your knees. I used my hiking poles which I purchased over a year ago and they were so good. They made the walk so much easier. I think I love them and now I want to use them a lot more. I could get into hiking I think.

I did the walk in 2 and a half hours, which I was pleased with. They say it takes 2 to 3 hours, so very happy with that. I did walk with my friend, but I kept leaving her behind, so then I would get to a point turn around and walk back to her. I was worried she might want to go back, but she did the whole walk. She did a great job.

I did get back sooner than her, and I learned a lesson. While I was waiting for her I was freezing. I should have brought something like a jacket to keep me warm. I was also so hungry. I should have taken snacks. Lessons learned for future hikes.

I only took one camera with me, my X-S10 and the Tamron 18-300mm. I didn’t want to weigh myself down too myself down. I wanted the walk to be about the walk and not about my photography. I ended up putting the camera away and just enjoying the views.

I was tired at the end of it, but also very proud of myself. So happy that I managed to do it and not kill myself doing it.

I didn’t take many photos with my phone, so I only have four for you.

Tomorrow we head to Launceston. I will be sad to leave Cradle Mountain, but not sad to leave our accommodation. Looking forward to having the internet when we want it, meaning all the time.

Can’t believe I will be back home in out 4 nights, it is almost over.

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  1. Fascinating landscapes – I can’t imagine the forces that created that mountain! Thanks for sharing your trip!

    1. Thank you Sam, the landscape here is so beautiful. I think the mountain was created through glaciers or something like that. I will find out when I do a future post on the mountain.

  2. I cant believe some people, get all excited about coming to Tassie then do nothing but bitch and winge about everything. Stay home if you cant just enjoy the places you go!

    1. I can’t believe people who get upset about people complaining about one thing. I have loved everything about Tasmania, so much so that this is the third time I have come to visit. I hated the hotel we stayed in, we are allowed to do that, and I think it is fine to do that. Obviously you haven’t read all the other posts I’ve done. Maybe you should try doing that before you comment at all.

  3. I love your images Leanne. So you’re now thinking about home. I think this part of the trip is the hardest. You want to continue your trip and yet your thoughts are calling you home.

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