Can I be so BOLD to do another post on Bold?


I had a really hard time stopping yesterday with the whole Bold challenge, so I decided to do another post. I’m not going to link this one back to Lens-Artists as I think one post is fair enough, but I can post more photos for the challenge, can’t I?

All the images below were taken at the Royal Melbourne Show back in 2016. We call fairs shows here and I don’t know why. Show day was a big deal when I was a kid. I guess they were like carnivals or fairs, not really sure. They had rides and showbags and all sorts of things. We would dress up and go.

I lived a long way from Melbourne, but the biggest show in the state was the Royal Melbourne Show. It would be on for 10 days or something like that. I never went to it as kid, but have been about 3 times now. I went once when I was about 18 or 19. Then when our girls were in primary school we took them.

Back in 2016 I got accreditation to go so a friend and I went to take lots of photos. We went mainly at night and I think you can see why. It was so much more dramatic and the colours were so much bolder.

I saw these photos when I was doing the other post and debated with myself if I should post them in that post, but decided against it. However, I just wanted to show them again, so here we are.

Making some new rules going forward

Something happened on my blog recently where I let someone leave a political comment that didn’t align with what I believe. That then led to an argument, sort of. More of a discussion, but apparently the person I was discussing it with didn’t like my views on the topic. They have now unsubscribed from my blog, and unsubscribed me from theirs. I’ve tried reaching out, but it seems these days you can’t be friends if you are not on the same side politically. We live in a very sad world now I fear.  Will we have to start making potential new friends do a questionnaire to make sure our views align?

I’ve always tried to keep my views on politics and religion to myself and not here on my blog. My close friends know where I stand on both, but this is a photography blog and I’ve decided that I will not have any talk on those matters here. What we all share is a common love of photography and let’s leave the BS outside the door so to speak.

From now on I will delete any comments that are on those topics. It will be hard for me because it is very easy to bait me, as the saying goes. However, for my sanity and yours, let’s enjoy each others photography and leave those other discussions for after dinner with friends.

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  1. The Beautifully Bold! Love them, Leanne 🙂. And I think that our blogs are like our virtual homes and we have the right to decide what will be tolerated there and what not…

    1. Thank you so much PR. I agree, we should be able to decide what is appropriate and what isn’t. Thanks for the support.

  2. Oh my gosh, these are fabulous! I LOVE the carnival pictures, especially the whirling rides. So glad you did a second BOLD poster !

  3. I’m sorry you had that terrible experience with another blogger. I can see how an experience like that can be mentally draining. I hope your experiences going forward are peaceful and encouraging!
    I’m glad you did another Bold post! Yes, these photos shout bold and bright.

    1. It was terrible, but I can’t control how other people think. So best to leave it alone and move on. I probably don’t need poeple like that in my life anyway. Thank you Esther, I’m sure it will be.
      I saw these photos when I was looking for the others, and well, I just had to show them and I’m so happy that everyone has enjoyed seeing them too.

    2. Yes, you can’t control what other people think or say. And it seems people spout off whatever they like behind the keyboard. I agree…it’s best to move on from toxicity like that.
      I could feel the lights and the fun atmosphere from the pictures.

    3. Absolutely Esther, leave them in my dust.
      It was that, though it was also wet and I think that always helps with the colours.

  4. >My close friends know where I stand on both, but this is a photography blog and I’ve decided that I will not have any talk on those matters here.
    >What we all share is a common love of photography and let’s leave the BS outside the door so to speak.

    I agree entirely.
    The situation you experienced is widespread everywhere. I can not think of any other way to deal with.
    Let’s hope the situation will not be worse and you stop sharing your stance on those matters even with whom you feel close.

  5. These are great images Leanne! What lens did you use to get that round effect? A fisheye? Now I hope to find a carnival in a small parking lot again.

    1. Thank you Anne, and you are right, most of them were taken with a fisheye. I hope you can find another one. Good luck.

  6. I am so glad you did another post to include these, Leanne. Be BOLD! These are great.
    Regarding the other…it has gotten so weird. And hateful. Smart move to just keep the focus on photography.

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