Fagus trees that surround Dove Lake and Cradle Mountain

One of the things that was a complete surprise when we went to Cradle Mountain were all the Fagus trees that were changing colours. I think I just expected that when we went there it would be like most bushland in Australia and completely green. Australia is not really know for its deciduous trees. Well except for the many imported ones.

So what are fagus trees?

This is from the Discover Tasmania website.

It’s one of only a handful of native deciduous species in Australia.

The unique Tasmanian fagus thrives in cool, wet locations, typically above 800m. For most of the year it’s a tree you have to go looking for, but in autumn its crinkle-cut leaves change colour and it announces itself in flamboyant style.

I think it is a type of Beech tree.

When we were there the first time in 2016 we went in June and it seems the leaves had finished by then because we had no idea that they were there.

I should go back and read what I wrote about this when I was actually there, but I think it will be okay if I repeat stuff.

One of the things we wanted to do on this trip at Cradle Mountain were some walks. I didn’t get as fit as I wanted so I couldn’t do the walks that I wanted, but I was happy to the Dove Lake Circuit.

We did it back in 2016 and thought it was a great walk. Back at that time, we did it anti-clockwise. While walking we came across a lot of people doing it in the other direction. At the time we thought maybe we did it the right way because there is a mountain you have to walk over. Well, alright, maybe not a mountain, but it was tall and had a lot of steps. We were glad to have got it over and done with at the start.

This time we thought we would see if doing it clockwise would be better. It wasn’t.

By the time you get to that big hill with all the steps you have already done about 5 km. When I got to it I was tired and my legs were really starting to hurt. I did go back a few times, so I had done more than 5 km. It was hard.

I would recommend to anyone wanting to do the Dove Lake Circuit walk to do it anti-clockwise.

It is a beautiful walk and I loved doing it. I would like to get another opportunity to do some of the longer and harder walks. We are thinking of going back, but not for at least a couple of years, so I have lots of time to get fit enough to do them.

Here is a gallery with the mountain and the fagus trees. Click on on of the images to get a larger view and then you can scroll through them.

I decided on this walk that I just wanted to enjoy it and not worry too much about photos. I didn’t take just my Fujifilm X-S10 with the Tamron 18-300mm lens. It was a good choice, though just over half way I put it away because of the hiking poles. I kept hitting the camera with them.

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  1. Wow, I’m glad you got some close-up photos of the beech trees turning color – they are fantastic! Your photos of them reflecting in the water are great, and the walkway under a golden canopy is wonderful!

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