First time doing a time lapse of the milky way

Let’s start this post with some excuses. I have loved all the comments on the bot post, but I haven’t responded to them, though I do plan to. I was out for most of Friday and Saturday and I thought it would be better just to approve them, then later on respond. I haven’t done the response part yet, but will do so in the next couple of days. Okay, so just one excuse.

So on Friday I drove to Aireys Inlet for the New Moon. For those that don’t know the night of the new moon is the best time of the month to capture the milky way. Thankfully here in Australia you don’t have to go far to get it. I’ve been to Aireys Inlet before to get photos of it, so I was keen to try again.

I was using PhotoPills to work out where the milky way would be. Well I messed it up. We should have been on the other side of the lighthouse, which is where I had planned to be at first. I only hope with experience I will learn to read it better. I know it will be a really good tool.

Since I stuffed up being able to get the lighthouse I just turned the camera around and took the milky way over the ocean. Though you can see Lorne in the distance.

I also took some images of the lighthouse in the afternoon. I was hoping to do some time lapse before the night sky but there were no clouds and I thought it would be boring without them. I am thinking I should go back sometime and do some though, I think they would be nice.

I have put them all together in a video with the images before dark at first and finishing with my first time lapse of the milky way. I hope you enjoy it.


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  1. I have seen the milky way on odd occasions but always the northern hemisphere. Strange to think i am seeing a different view. My bedroom faced north over fields and as a child I was aware of how the constellations rotated round the pole but hadn’t really thought of how the milky way must rotate too.

    1. I know what you mean RJ, we have the southern cross that is there too, which you wouldn’t see in your part of the world and there is the Northern star which we can’t see. It is funny to think of the stars moving. I remember as a kid lying on the ground outside and just staring up into the night sky. Thank you RJ

    1. It seems like a great tool, well will be when I can work it out. For me the difficulty is turning the 2D view into 3D. Thank you, hopefully each time I will learn more.

  2. Whenever I start thinking of astrophotography I think of the expense involved in getting a good mount and tracking motors and everything. And then I give up for a year.

    1. I don’t have any of that gear, I don’t think I will ever get that serious about doing it. YOu can just do it with a camera, a tripod and wide angle lens. Thanks.

  3. I really enjoyed your Timelapse. Excellent. It would be interesting to know how many images you had to put together over what period of time to create your final video. Very cool.

    1. That’s great to hear Ceci, ask and I can tell you. It was a 174 images over almost 2 hours. Does that help?
      Thank you.

    1. oh yes, no chance there, can you get out of the city Sherry? We can’t really see it here in Melbourne, but you don’t have to travel far to see it.

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