Getting cameras converted for Infrared photography


Different post this Monday. As the Lens-Artists Challenge mob are taking a break this week. Next week I’m going to be the host for it, so I hope you are looking forward to my post on tourist attractions.

This week I thought we might look at my problem with my infrared camera.

Most of you know that I love infrared photography and have a dedicated camera for it. Back in 2017, I had my old Nikon D300s converted, but recently when I tried to turn it on it didn’t work.

I had hoped to take it to Tasmania with me, but it had to stay home.

Since that time I’ve been trying to work out what to do. I don’t want to stop doing infrared, but I also don’t want to fork out a ton of money on a camera that is 14 years old.

Infrared image of Cape Otway Lighthouse

I have an old Nikon D800 that I don’t use anymore and wondered if I should consider getting it converted. However, I spoke to one of the people at Imaging by Design about the one I have and getting the other converted. He said that the one I have might be a simple fix, but if isn’t then because it is so old and if it needs parts they will be hard to get and be expensive.

If I get the 800 converted then I could end up with the same problem. It is an old camera now, so if it needs fixing at all I could be in trouble.

The other thing that concerned me was that it costs a lot more to get a full-frame camera converted. However, I did see on their website that a mirrorless camera is cheaper.

So what do I do?

That is or was the big question. However, after speaking to them I spoke to my friends at Fujifilm Australia and they helped me get a Fujifilm X-T3, a silver one that I could then get converted. I realised this was the answer to my problem.

I like that the infrared camera will be silver, that way I will be able to distinguish it from my other X-T3. I think I am very lucky in being able to get another one. So thank you Fujifilm Australia.

Last week I took the camera to Imaging by Design to get it converted. They are really busy so it will be a few weeks before I can pick it up. I think I’m saving about $200 by getting the Fujifilm converted. It is going to cost me just over $400.

I also took the Nikon one in as well. I figured if they can fix it cheaply then I can sell it. I guess that will be dependent on whether there would be anyone out there who would want to buy one.

I like the idea of having the Fujifilm camera so when I go out I can take the same lenses, but both cameras. Will make my pack lighter.

So the infrared problem has been solved for now. I’m looking forward to getting out with it again.

So shall I leave you with a gallery of some images? Okay, why not.


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    1. Me too Ed, I hadn’t heard of Simon Marsden, but just looked him up, amazing work. I hope you one day, they are fun to play around with. Thank you Ed.

  1. The photos look amazing, and I think it’s very thematic to have a silver camera for infrared! This looks like something I’ll want to keep in mind for maybe further into my own photography journey.

    Just upgraded to an X-T5 though, so gonna need to pay that purchase off first, ha.

    1. Thank you Emily. I agree, I think it is great that the silver camera will be the infrared camera. Yeah, it is a nice thing, I love infrared photography. When you get an older camera it can be a fun thing to do with it.
      I used that camera when I was in Tasmania, but am sticking with what I have for now.

  2. I enjoyed your shots of Cape Otway. Reminded me of visiting here when travelling the Great Ocean Rd!

    1. They are no good to me, I live in Australia, so it would not work sending a camera to them. I did check them out, their conversion cost is more expensive than what I’m paying.

  3. Wow, Leanne, you can turn the simplest scenes into art. I love the fountain sculpture. It’s other- worldly. It will be fun seeing your work as a Lens Artist hostess.

    1. That is really nice of you to say Marsha, but I think I have to give the camera all the credit here. That’s what I love about infrared, so cool. Thank you.

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