Imitating Instagram posts – Stillness in the city

When I decided to concentrate more on blogging than other social media platforms I knew I wanted to do more posts that would be similar to what I used to do on Instagram. That is, show a photo with a short description and add lots of tags.

Here is an image that was taken in the City of Melbourne a few years ago. It was taken very early in the morning.

It was taken with the Fujifilm X-T3 and the 16-55mm 2.8 lens. I can’t remember if I used a filter, but since it was a 2 minute exposure I think I would have used a 10 stop ND filter from Formatt Hitech. It was taken with an ISO of 200 and the aperture was set on f8.

I don’t normally like giving the data on how the image was taken, but maybe for these posts I will start doing that.

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  1. I am also thinking of places to post things. My posts tend to be stories, including texts and a number of photos. However, this makes them time consuming to prepare. I have been away from home for two months and have only just returned to Lima. Lots of fascinating moments, but no time to read or post things. Once tried Instagram but it doesn’t lend itself well to telling stories. One thing I have tried to keep up is one picture per day in a small group “Images Exposed”. Here there is a daily theme for each day which makes you think…. but is quick to do. It is a small but friendly supportive group. Well, just got back to Lima, so have time to think about things.

    1. I think when you are posting stories with lots of photos you can’t go past a blog, they are perfect for that. They are time consuming, but you can also post quickly. I haven’t never been great with themes, I do them if I feel like it, but I don’t always like them. I have to admit when I was away posting quickly was important. I only posted photos from my phone and only did short posts. Now that I am back I can spend more time showing my photos and talking about where we went. I think at the end of the day we just have to do what works best for us. Thank you Geoff.

  2. It’s such a peaceful image. Love it. I think many people would appreciate a few of the technical details (settings used, camera/lens combo) to help them learn if they’re inspired by your work.

    1. Thank you Ceci, I love the city like that. I am in two minds about the information. Unless you are where I was and taking photos in the same conditions I don’t know how it can help. Then again people seem to enjoy seeing that and then for the long exposure I guess it can help.

  3. Hi, Leanne. I’ve slowly arrived at a similar conclusion, that my current trip provides a good opportunity to focus on short daily posts to my blogsite, rather than updates to other social media outlets. To counter an ever growing collection of unpublished/unseen images, I started some years ago a weekly series of Friday posts, consisting mostly of a single image; a very short blurb; and some technical details of the image.

    1. I like the idea of short posts, just something quick. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is skipping social media. Your post on Fridays sounds a bit like what I did and want to do more, Thank you.

  4. It’s a fantastic photo, Leanne! I still haven’t been back on IG as I can’t access it for a week now. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the app twice – apparently IG is gone?

    1. Thank you John, funny you should say that I just saw one of your photos there when I was checking out something. I don’t know why you have trouble with it, it is strange.

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