My latest article has been published On Digital Photography School, and if you would like a more comprehensive view and some idea on how on to use the tablet then take a look.
The article is:
Overview of the Intuos Pro Wacom Tablet and the MobileStudio Pro for Post-Processing
Hopefully it will answer all your questions about using one.

I bought a trackball with my first computer and haven’t stopped using one since. I can’t use a traditional mouse for photo editing. I also tried a tablet, but never felt that comfortable with it. I’m glad that it works for you, Leanne. I can definitely see the portability factor.
I tried using one of those, but could never get the hang of it, funny how we are all different. I love my Wacom tablet now, to me it feels more like being an artist, it feels normal. Thanks Steve.
I never was able to properly use my older tablet. It must have been me because other people seem to do fine with it.
I have heard that from others Marilyn, I don’t think you are alone in that respect. I never had any real trouble, but I have heard of others that have.
Now I understand what we can do with them. Great article, Leanne. 🙂
That’s great to hear Robert, thank you.
I still use the Intuos 3, but my use of it is restricted to only a few things. I don’t typically do fine work on photos, so the sensitivity when using the mouse is not an issue.
That said, technology is now getting to where I can seriously about a true mobile workstation, and the cost of replacing my current PC would cover the cost of the Pro tablet. Once we settle someplace, I’ll redo my whole setup . . . I will, however, miss my 30″ screen.
Thanks for the review.
I reckon if I had the money I would get the Mobile one as well. It would solve so many problems, especially when travelling.
You’re welcome, Disperser.
I upgrade PCs every four-five years; the budget is close to the cost of the tablet. I’ll be looking at it hard during my next upgrade cycle.
That sounds like a good plan, I just got a new laptop, so it will be a while before I can justify it. Good luck.
Leanne, in your list of gear you mention firecrest filters. Would you mind telling us. Are they round or square?
No problem Geoff, my filters are square. I don’t like the screw on ones.
Wow Leanne, such a great device for professional photographers! Amazing. ❤️👍🏻
It is a great device, though I don’t think you have to be a professional photographer to have one. I think anyone who loves Photoshop and wants to get the best out of it, can benefit from one these. They are amazing, thanks.