Lens-Artists Challenge #304 – Behind


This weeks challenge has been set for us by Ritva from Ritva Sillanmäki Photography and she has set it be BEHIND.

I think the idea is how we have to look behind our subjects to the background when we are taking photos. It is something that I think a lot of new photographers don’t do and it is something they need to learn. Most do. I was taught to look behind and to check around the edge of the frame to make sure there isn’t something that I don’t want in the image.

Backgrounds are very important and to me they often give context to your subject, but they can also add a lot of mood to it as well.

Look at the following gallery. They are all of the Seafarers Bridge here in Melbourne. The first one is one taken during the day and to me is nothing special. It was taken on a lovely sunny day, but the rest of them give it more mood to me. Taken at night, taken at sunset set and others that are worked on a lot more.

You can see that the bridge is in the city or a city from all the buildings around it. You wouldn’t see buildings like that in a country town and if it was out in the country it would be surrounded by trees or nothing. Therefore the background gives context and mood.

I have put together a gallery of images that hopefully show you mood and context through the backgrounds.

The header image also shows us that sometimes it is all about the background.

Another great challenge and another to get me thinking. So thank you Ritva for being our host this week. I would invite everyone to go and check out her post. The link is in the first sentence of this post.

Please link your post back to Ritva’s as she is the host this week.

Maybe you would like to participate this week, it is a great challenge to do. To find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info.

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  1. Wow, Leanne. What a stunning collection! I absolutely love your header image. What a great example of a powerful background!

  2. Oh Leanne, such gorgeous images of Melbourne and Australia as a whole. Love, love, love them all.

  3. Of course I was immediately drawn in by your stunning Golden Gate silhouette, Leanne. And the collages following are all a delight. Masterfully shot – the Seafarers Bridge is beautiful. Not sure I remember it- when was it built? Your night shots are always exhilarating. 🙂

    1. Thank you Jane, I was really happy with that silhouette image. I love the Seafarers Bridge. I don’t know when it was built, let me look it up. 2009 it was built. It has it’s own wikipedia page.

  4. I agree, the night time shots of that bridge definitely have more atmosphere and are more interesting as a consequence. And your gallery is packed with great examples of backgrounds that really enhance the shot! I especially loved Sorrento Pier and Queencliff Pier 😀

  5. A beautiful tutorial on backgrounds, Leanne. I hope I’m over taking photos of people with fountains and Eiffel Towers growing out of their heads… that doesn’t mean, though, that I haven’t stopped making background mistakes. 🙂

    1. I think we all hope we have got over taking images like that John. I think it is normal to make mistakes, I sometimes get carried away with the subject and miss stuff in the background, thank goodness for photoshop. Thank you.

  6. Very well said! Background is something I try to remember when taking pictures. I like how you expressed that the background frames the context and mood. I’ll try to remember this.

  7. The one with the trees caught my eye because it shows distance in the background as well as the beautiful sun setting/rising. As always, your photography is amazing.

  8. I like the way you’ve focussed on night shots. An interesting take and one which illustrates the challenge so well.

    1. Thank you Margaret, though to let you in on a secret most of them aren’t night, I just like to make them look like it is.

  9. Simply beautiful images Leanne. You are so right that the bridge is more impactful at dusk, sundown and night. Each picture evokes a different mood. And, I loved your header image.

  10. Leanne, you have covered this topic with very high standard and opened up the photos so we all can learn from them about how effective background works. Your photos are always top notch – so for me to pick a favorite is a waste of time, I enjoy them equally. The fact that you pointed out the time of the day is something I forgot, so good that you brought attention to it

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