Lens-Artists Challenge #305 – Two Rectangles

This week Egidio from Through Brazilian Eyes has set us the challenge of Two Rectangles. I get the idea of it, but not sure if I can do it.

You will have to read his post to find out more about it. I’ve been watching the last series of Sweet Tooth all day and I’m trying to get this done in time. I’m sorry if it seems rushed.

I have either too many rectangles, or maybe none. I don’t really know. I do follow the rule of thirds most times, so maybe that gives me the two rectangles. I don’t know, what do you think?

Sorry Egidio, I don’t know that I have done your challenge well this week. Still, thank you so much for being our host this week.

Maybe you would like to participate this week, it is a great challenge to do. To find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info.

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  1. It’s a composition tool we use intuitively, I think, you included. And they are beautiful and unique to your style, Leanne.

    1. I suppose you could say that, but the the whole horizon in the middle seems to be where everyone starts, in my experience. Though I guess that is two rectangles too. Thank you Sofia.

  2. I echo Egidio’s comment. You use the concept without needing to reference it as you compose your images. As always, beautiful work, and I really love your photographic style.

  3. I think a lot of us struggled with this challenge but like most of us (including me) you’ve shown that you do use this composition tool, you just weren’t aware of it! I think the canola field and Blairgowrie Pier are particularly effective examples 🙂

    1. Thank you Sarah, I think it comes after more than 30 years experience taking photos and an arts degree maybe. Hopefully I have learned something along the way. lol.

  4. LOL I had to smile at your comments in this one Leanne – I felt a bit the same way on this one. But I’m confident at least several of your examples meet the challenge, and are beautiful as always

    1. LOL, thank you Tina, glad I’m not the only one to have trouble with it. Good to hear that several fit the brief. lol

  5. Leanne, the two rectangles concept comes to you naturally. Just look at your first image. Not only do we see the leading lines, but those posts ground our eyes to your serene photo. Then, you show us more of your beautiful work including rectangles: the city, the road, the lone tree, etc. Excellent post and beautiful photos!

  6. I think you’ve conquered the challenge, Leanne. I love your images. Now I’m wondering what Sweet Tooth is…must look up. 🙂

    1. I think that is what I decided to go with, if I couldn’t do two, just put in as many as I could. lol. Thank you Anne.

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