Lens-Artists Challenge #308 – Perfect Pairs

Time for a new host for Lens-Artists Challenge and this week our host is Albatz Travel Adventures and she has chosen Pairs. 

When I first saw this I was really stumped. What do I have that is considered pairs? As a photographer I was always taught to photograph things in odd numbers, not twos. The best thing I did was read her post. I don’t always do that before I do my post, but in this instance it was a very good idea. 

This is what she wants us to do

This week on Lens-Artists we’re focussing on combining two photos to make a perfect pair. 

diptych is two images placed in proximity to one another, forming a pair. To make a successful pairing there should be several things in common, and something very different, contrasting.

I don’t know that I am going to do this justice but what I have chosen to so is to find a place I have photographed more than once and at different times or different processing etc.

Before we look at the photos I just want to point out that my WordPress won’t let me put the images together. I’ve played and played with it, so please just pretend they are.

This first one is the Seafarers Bridge, you know my favourite Melbourne bridge. These were taken a long time apart but at similar times of the day. The first is of the bridge at night, while the second was taken at sunset.


This is one of my favourite views of Melbourne. It has been changed recently so I don’t photograph it as much as I used to. Insert sad face.

I think you can tell that the view of the buildings has changed a bit too. The first one was taken in bright sun, my least favourite way to take photos. While the second was taken early on a still morning.

The next pair shows another favourite. If you see the first one you can see how I also shot the path along the river, well I would never photograph it like that now as they have put a massive bar on the water there and it is so ugly why would I want to take photos of it? 

So the first image is how I used to photograph it, but the second is how I have to do it now. The first was just after sunrise as the sun was coming up, while the second the sun had definitely come up and it was just before it rained. 

When I was trying to think of places I had photographed a lot, well I couldn’t miss the 12 Apostles. I tried to find two images the same, but you will just have to cope with these two. 

The first was taken at sunrise. It really is the best time to go there if you can. While the second was taken at the end of the day on a stormy day.Photo Challenge 19_47 BEACHES

My final pair are two images taken at Princes Pier. They are both pretty much the same view, but different ships in the background. I don’t know if ships still dock there. The Spirit of Tasmania used to, but now you have to go to Geeling to catch it. 

Very different mornings for each photo.

Does a human being have a dollar value?

I hope I did as I was meant to for this challenge. Thank you to Elizabeth for being our host this week and don’t forget to check out her post, Albatz Travel Adventures. If you decided to participate don’t forget to put a link back to her post.

Next week PR will be our host from Flights of the Soul and she is challenging us to balconies.

Maybe you would like to participate this week, it is a great challenge to do. To find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info.        

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  1. Ah Melbourne, I sometimes forget how spectacular it is. The difference of the time of day makes a big difference. Your photos are WOW.

    1. It is a great city Teresa, so glad I live here. Time of day can make a massive difference sometimes. Thank you Teresa.

  2. As always, your style is mesmerizing, Leanne. There’s so much depth, so much to take in from there. These are wonderful on their own but as pairs, they work even better.

  3. What a great idea to pair images of the same place at different times! They are all excellent. full of the atmosphere that distinguishes all your photography, but I was especially struck by the last pair and the contrasting lighting on those wooden piles 🙂

  4. Your photo style is so unique and moody that it creates a commonality right away, and having favourite places in different lighting creates a wonderful contrast. Loved all of them, and often stacking photos up and down makes for great diptychs too. Really loved your post and now I have a good idea of how you create your magic photos, getting up way earlier than I would to catch the morning light. And I’m afraid I would probably be in that massive ugly bar having a beer during ‘golden hour’ (but possibly getting some interesting shots of that bridge while I was at it).

    1. I couldn’t stack them any other way, well unless I did galleries. Thank you Elizabeth and thank you for being the host this week. It was a hard challenge.
      Oh no, surely you wouldn’t go into that bar, there are plenty of others. lol.

  5. Not unusually Leanne, your post includes a wonderful set of pairs. Each of your pairs shows its subject in a slightly different way – one can see they include the same subject but creatively shown from a different perspective. Marvelous response.

  6. I have never been to Melbourne but the 12 Apostles seems very much like something I would enjoy visiting. Gorgeous photos – thanks for sharing.

  7. Fantastic images! I love the bridges and the cities but my favorites are the last two of Princess Pier.The difference in the colors and the light are amazing.

    1. Thank you, it seems Princes Pier is a firm favourite in this post. I love them too, I should get down there again, it’s been a while.

  8. I really enjoyed reading this post and viewing the images. It is interesting to observe how the different time of day not only influences the lighting, of course, but also the mood that you capture in your images and also how a slight tweak to the composition can make such a big difference.

    1. Thank you Laura. I think this challenge shows why I love photographing the same place all the time. You end up with so many different images of the same place.

  9. I think you did great Leanne. There are a few ways to interpret Elisabeth’s challenge. As I was gathering my photos, I took a different path. It should be interesting to see what others come up with! Great images.

    1. Thank you Anne. I think you are right, there are many ways, this way worked best for me and my work. I will take a look at yours soon.

  10. I actually love having the pairs and having you describe what was different. The pictures are beautiful. The ship with the piers in the foreground are my favorite, kind of mysterious in some way because a cruise ship has so many people, but it looks isolated and empty. I’m sorry the city ruined some of your views. They really need to get a clue. Why ruin architectural beauty?

    1. That is great to hear Nicci, it was a different thing to do. Princes Pier is pretty amazing. I hadn’t thought of it as being isolated, but I guess it can look that way. The city ruining views all for money really, isn’t that the story of human history? Thank you so much Nicci.

  11. I think these are wonderful, Leanne! I especially like the last two at Princes Pier. Is that a pier that was damaged and never rebuilt? Each photographer interprets things differently and that, to me, is the beauty of these challenges. Very well done!

    1. Thank you Lois, the pier was dismantled. Though I think people didn’t want it destroyed, if my memory is correct that pier is where the ships left with the troops for the second world war. So it has some significance. I think there is link for the history if you want me to find it for you.

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