Lens-Artists Challenge #315 – Common Oject

I must say that in my head, I keep thinking common objects, though I don’t think that really matters. It is an interesting idea for a challenge, and I had to put on my thinking cap and go hunting for this one.

Ritva from Ritva Sillanmäki Photography has set us the challenge this week. When I first saw it I thought but I don’t photograph common objects or ordinary things. However, I saw a couple of posts and then realised that maybe I do have some.

I wouldn’t say this is my normal photography practice, but I have done some in the past. Like look at this painting below. I did this back in 2007 and my home is full of these sorts of things, what’s in the painting, not the actual painting.

So I went hunting on my old blog. I had forgotten how I used to try and do a lot more still life type of photography. Some of it is so embarrassing when I look at them now. I think I used to try too hard and did a lot of overprocessing. I suspect it is something that many of us do in the beginning.

For this post, I went through the first three years I blogged and found some photos. So these are from 2010 to 2013. They are fairly common objects that you see around. Some are antique, others not.

These next images were taken mostly during the pandemic and were what kept me sane during that time. Most of the things in these images are what I have lying around my house. I like to collect stuff and then I never do anything with them. Maybe it is time I did.

I guess you can see in this last gallery that I did a lot of food photography. I would like to do more, but I don’t think I am that good at baking things so they look good enough to photograph. Maybe that is the next thing I need to work on.

I would like to thank Ritva from Ritva Sillanmäki Photography for being our host this week and would invite you all to go and take a look at her post and images on Common Objects.

If you would like to participate in this great challenge then go to the following to find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info. Don’t forget to put a link in your post back to the host.

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  1. I loved the opener immediately I saw it, and your different sets are all very enjoyable. I loved the collected things and your pandemic gallery. It’s your distinct style of lightning, and I hope you will take that up again!

    1. Thank you Ann-Christine.I think I have too many things, lol. I think I will, I need to have a rethink about what I can do.

  2. I don’t do too much collecting but I’m fascinated by what others have lying around, Leanne. There’s a whole life in that second gallery.

    1. My husband would say I collect too much. I have lots of tea things Jo. They are on my shelves in front of books, in cupboards and I I use them like people use ornaments. Thank you Jo.

  3. I agree with the comments above that your second set of images are outstanding. I do love what you did with the spoons and how you captured the light dotting them. Your header spoon image is great.

  4. I really like your pandemic images in particular, especially the tea service and spoon shots. You can see your distinctive style in those (less so in the food images and the older ones, although those are good too).

    1. I love the old phone too, there is something about them, thank you John, well come by for afternoon tea and I will make you one. 😂😂

  5. You may find them embarrassing Leanne but I find them interesting, well set up and photographed. The Star Anise is a favourite.
    Also gave me a few ideas for Becky square challenge thanks 😁

    1. That’s great to hear Brian. It was interesting to do and I should do more, I think. That is great, always good to give others ideas, I look forward to seeing it. Thank you.

  6. The old phone and the food images are my favourites. In fact the food images are well on the way to being a food photographer.
    How did you do the lighting on the food images?
    (I tried out food photography about 9 years ago, but I forgot to eat before the shots and I kept eating the subject before I was finished).

    1. I love old phones. Thank you so much for saying that about my food images.
      I just use natural lighting for them. I have a living room that has good natural light. I think you should try doing it again Vicki.

  7. What a nice gallery, Leanne! I loved seeing the sewing machine and old telephone. They rang a bell and jolted old memories.

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