Lens-Artists Challenge #322 – There is a crack in everything

This week Ritva from Ritva Sillanmäki Photography is asking us to look at the cracks, though she is explaining it as flaws. She said Life’s Imperfections, which is an interesting idea.

If we are looking at flaws in images I have thousands of them, 😂. I decided that for this challenge I would look at times when you just don’t get the weather or the conditions you want when you go out to take photos.

When I went to the USA in 2015 I realised very quickly that I was not really going to be able to take the photos that I would have loved to. No one’s fault, it is just a very hard thing to do when you travel I think. You can’t wait around for days and days to get the weather or the conditions that you love to take photos in. I love overcast days with lots of clouds in the sky, but most of the days I was there I only saw beautiful blue skies.

This is not about the people I was with, but I was more into photography than they were, and I knew that sunrises and sunsets were not always going to be possible. I did get some, but in the end I was so grateful for the experience and I had to just be glad I was there. I would get what I could and I took my camera with me everywhere, but I didn’t come home with lots of amazing images.

Even when you go away for a photography trip there is no guarantee that you will get lots of great photos. When you are taking photos around home then if it is sunny I stay home. If the conditions aren’t right, then I wait for the ones I want.

For the challenge this week I thought I would show you a selection of photos that I took while in the US, but ones that are more about reminding me of my trip. I didn’t really get the images that I would have loved to have got, so in my eyes these images have flaws. The number one being the sun. The other flaw is not knowing the right time to be there to take the photos.

I was there in September and it was still very warm. I’m sure most of you know how much I hate taking photos in summer.  As I said, it was an incredible experience and I loved every minute of it.

I would like to thank Ritva for being our challenge and would ask you to go and check out here post to see what she has done. The link is at the beginning of the post.

If you would like to participate in this great challenge then go to the following to find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info. Don’t forget to put a link in your post back to the host.

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  1. Wonderful images and memories, Leanne. I especially love the ones in SF and Bodie and of course the Brooklyn Bridge.

  2. I do really love some of your photos (e.g. Imagine, Bodie, Golden Gate Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge Park), while others I agree would work better in more interesting lighting conditions. I know what you mean about travelling, you have to take your photos on the day you are there, you can’t wait for a better one! But as that’s the photography I most enjoy I’ve learned to live with that constraint – mainly by choosing specific subjects which work better in the conditions I’m dealt 😀

    1. Thank you Sarah. That is good to hear that you love that sort of photography, not my thing, but we are all different which is what I do love.

  3. Leanne–I think these are great. The San Fran salt ponds and Lake Tahoe Squaw Valley are two of my favorites. We are our own worst critics, aren’t we?

    1. Thank you Lois, the salt ponds were rather amazing. Squaw Valley was interesting, my first ever being that high and I felt it. We really are.

  4. Even though these images weren’t taken in the conditions you prefer, they are still wonderful. I’m so glad you enjoyed your trip to the U.S.

  5. Wonderful photos, Leanne! It’s been oddly warm in may parts of the US this autumn but I like it!

  6. I know exactly what you mean about the compromises we must make when we travel Leanne. That said you’ve created some wonderful memories through your beautiful images.

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