Lens-Artists Challenge #338 – Pick a Word

This is almost a free week for us. I like this one. John from Journeys with Johnbo is our host and he has said that we have to pick a word that will fit our topic or subject and choose 3 or 4 photos. Well I can do the first, but sorry John, I want to show more photos than that.

The word I am picking is WATER.

Why water, because I love photographing it. I don’t think of myself as a landscape photographer, but put some water in front of me and I will want to take photos. I love that there are so many different ways to capture it.

Then again there are so many different ways of seeing water. There are waterfalls, rivers, oceans, floods, and who knows how many more. It is an important part of our survival and something we can’t live without. There is a connection to water that I think we all have. There is also fear that surrounds it. I have to admit that I am a little afraid of water, especially the ocean. I don’t like swimming in it.

I know John said 3 or 4, but I have photographed it in so many ways, I couldn’t stop myself, you all know what I’m like. I have tried to find lots of different ways. As I said, there are some waterfalls, some rivers and some creeks. There are waves rushing in, while we see stillness on the beach. Some rivers are very still while other rivers are flooding and water is covering roads.

If you ask me if there is water then there is also beauty.

I wonder how many people thought I would do architecture or macro, but this seemed like a good time to show some other images.

Thank you John for the challenge and for being out host this week. I enjoyed this one. It was nice to show some images that I don’t always think of.

Please go and take at look at John’s post to see his explanation and what he has done.

If you would like to participate in this great challenge then go to the following link to find out how to join the Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info. Don’t forget to put a link in your post back to the host.

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  1. Great choice of word and photos Leanne! You’ve captured so much of the beauty, mystery, and movement within water.

  2. I am so glad I took the time to visit your post because you really gave an ode to water and seeing the variety from your lens showed why it captivates and callas to your – wow – and you are so right about the variety in ways water is found in the world.
    I do not mind swimming in the ocean but I would never want to sail around the world (not a thrill I would enjoy – but would be fearful and all that)

    1. Thank you Yvette, welcome to my blog. Glad you like the photos, water is amazing to photograph I think.
      I am funny about water, it both terrifies and fascinates me. I like the idea of sailing, but not sure about around the world. I can’t go in tunnels under water and the thought of a submarine scares me to death almost. Nope nope nope.

    2. hahaha, I am with you on the “nope,nope, nope.”
      And a side note, a while back my step-daughter said that she found an interesting tip about using water to sooth children.
      She has two small children and one of her family groups online noted how powerful it can be to supervise children with a large bucket of water – and just let them slosh and play.
      It also reminded me about a therapist I know that suggests her patients shower – or was the shower with a mini rinse – if they need a refresh. Not to get too long winded here, but she taps into research that shows how soothing water is to humans ….
      and in your case, the lens seems to love it

    3. Hahaha. That is interesting. I think it is very true. I remember when my youngest was a baby she would cry and cry when she was underdressed, but as soon as you put her in the bath water you could feel her relaxing. She loved it.
      We used to slosh and play as kids, especially with the sprinkler.
      I can see how a shower would be good, I love them. Though I don’t like soaking in a tub, I find that boring. Interesting Yvette, thanks for sharing.

    4. well thanks for sharing back – and your comment reminded me that we humans can be so different even in our water preferences….

  3. These are water shots. It reminded me of some of the waterfalls we visit over here in South Wales. Well worth lugging a heavy tripod around for. Your pics always give me ideas 🙂

    1. Thank you Stever, you will need to photograph some of them I think. It is always worth lugging your tripod around with the possibility of getting a great shot. That’s really nice to hear Steve.

  4. Simply beautiful water shots Leanne. I especially liked the flooded road. And, I know how hard it is to keep what you love to do to just 3 or 4 pictures.

    1. Thank you Anne, that road was a surprise and messed up out plans for the day. It is very hard, I just couldn’t do it. lol

  5. good to see that you chose water, it has so many looks and ways of being and you’re very good at capturing its many moods

    1. I like the way you say that Beth, the many moods of water, it is perfect. Thank you, I think it helps when you love to photograph it.

  6. Some truly magical moments here Leanne – no surprise!! Loved them all but especially the muddy river with the froth and the closing image of the water through the sand and rocks. A great word choice for the week!

    1. Thank you Tina. Oh yes, that was weird, the high river with the sludge on top. I think it was like pesticide run off or something like that.

  7. Amazing pictures, Leanne. They reflect the mighty force and diversity of water beautifully. Loved them all!

  8. Wonderful to see such a broad series of waterscapes (if there is such a word).
    The high surf/waves are truly majestic.

  9. There are no points deducted for breaking a rule, Leanne! In fact, points added for picking the word that describes one of my favorite subjects! >grin<

    1. That’s good to hear John, otherwise I would be way down in the points. Thank you so much, water is a great subject. Might have to do it for Monochrome Madness one week.

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