Monochrome Madness #11 – Roads, Lanes, and Pathways

The theme this week is a fun one. Dawn from The Day After has picked it for us and it is Roads, Lanes and Pathways.

You may have noticed that I also added tracks, I hope Dawn doesn’t mind.

It seems to be a natural thing in many ways to photograph the roads we travel. There is something that attracts us as it takes us to our destination. They can be beautiful and functional.

There are so many roads, lanes and pathways, though I didn’t really do any lanes.

Some are foggy, some are in infrared, some are from rainforests, some are train tracks, some are from overseas and some end in unexpected ways.

I hope you enjoy my entry for Monochrome Madness #11.

I want to thank Dawn for our theme this week. Don’t forget to go and look at her post as well.

Participating in Monochrome Madness

If you would like to participate in this challenge please post photos on your blog and use the tag Monochrome-Madness, then I can use the reader to see what you post.

You can also leave a pingback, do they still call them that? Basically, you put a link to my monochrome madness post in your post and it leaves a link in the comment section.

Don’t forget to check out the Monochrome Madness page. On this page, the next theme is announced and there is also all the information for participating. We have also included a list of themes that will be coming in the future so if you want to be able to plan ahead you can. They aren’t in order, but will happen. Please go and check it out. Click on the Monochrome Madness heading in the menu.

Also if you would like to host one week or more, let me know.

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  1. Ooops, I thought I’d commented on your post already, but apparently not. A lovely selection from you, from which the woodland shots might be my favourites.

    1. Thank you Sarah, that foggy image took me a while to find. I knew I had it, but couldn’t remember where in the archives.

  2. Dear Leanne
    we like your individual pictures but we have problems with your combination of pictures. Roads, lanes etc. are linear, they have a certain aim. The combination of your pictures is so to speak aimless, isn’t it?
    Nevertheless, great pictures like always
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Not really sure what you are talking about. They are a collection of images, put together like that so you can click on one and then scroll through each image individually with nothing else to distract them.

  3. It’s a lovely set Leanne, specially the one with the lighthouse, the mountain and the silos 🙂!

  4. so interesting and what they have in common is people or animals or vehicles are always coming or going on them

  5. These are beautiful Leanne. Did you use your infrared camera on some? I’m still not back to full strength and activity. I’ll participate in MM when and as I can.

    1. Thank you Anne. Yeah I did use the infrared on some of them. Don’t stress about it too much Anne, when you can. I hope you get back to full strength soon.

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