Monochrome Madness #9 – Stone

It’s my turn this week. I have chosen STONE for our challenge.

When Dawn did Rocks I kept trying to pick images that I realised were stone and not rocks.

I am sure it is the same everywhere but there are so many buildings and bridges that are built with stone. Here in Melbourne a lot of public buildings are made from sandstone or bluestone.

Bluestone is very common and I think it was easy to get hence why buildings are often made with it.

In places like Tasmania where they had convicts there were many early buildings done this way. I guess free labour.

I have put together a gallery of stone for you. You can respond to that any way you want. I do love seeing how others interpret these challenges. I hope you have fun with it.

Here are my offerings. I have picked mainly buildings and some bridges. Most of these are from around here, though one is from overseas, I’m sure you know which one.

Participating in Monochrome Madness

If you would like to participate in this challenge please post photos on your blog and use the tag Monochrome-Madness, then I can use the reader to see what you post.

You can also leave a pingback, do they still call them that? Basically, you put a link to my monochrome madness post in your post and it leaves a link in the comment section.

Don’t forget to check out the Monochrome Madness page. On this page, the next theme is announced and there is also all the information for participating. We have also included a list of themes that will be coming in the future so if you want to be able to plan ahead you can. They aren’t in order, but will happen. Please go and check it out. Click on the Monochrome Madness heading in the menu.

Also if you would like to host one week or more, let me know.

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  1. Rocks and/or stone, I’m in! Interested in the social history of stone masonry in Tasmania (convicts & free labour); in colonial Ontario we began to see stone farm houses after the navvies imported to build canals were no longer needed and turned loose. With no help to get back home, they stayed put and put their stone-building skills to work in their unchosen new homeland

    1. I don’t really know the history of the masonry there, but there were lots of convicts and lots of stone, so many buildings were built using them as labourers. So did the Navvies import the stone?
      That sounds like the convicts, they generally had terms of 7 years or 14, but when their term was over they had to find their own way home, or the money for it, so many couldn’t afford it and stayed. Thank you Penny.

    2. In our (Cdn) case, no need to import stone! They were slogging through Canadian Shield country, with all its underlying granite, plus all the moraine rubble dropped by retreating glaciers ages earlier… so the whole huge area is awash in stone — your labourers were convicts and officially not free; ours were poor workers imported esp from Ireland and effectively not free, with a huge death toll because of wildly dangerous working conditions, and very little pay for those who survived

    3. I’m not sure what you mean Penny about the convicts were not officially free. The convicts themselves were prisioners, but they were sent out to do work in the colony. So for the people who were building the buildings they didn’t have to pay the convicts for their labour. I don’t know what the death toll was like here, we don’t hear a lot about it.
      Apparently convicts didn’t get paid here until around 1840, but not long after that the transportation of convicts stopped in Australia. I think the gold rush had something to do with it.
      It sounds like the people who were hired in your country probably had it very bad.

    4. thanks for sorting me ojt — yes, conditions for these imported workers were appalling & many died — they were effectively prisoners, if not officially!

    5. Australia has a very weird history, or the start of white invasion anyway. It is always interesting hearing about other countries too. Thank you Penny, love discussions like this.

  2. Wow Leanne, your work is very beautiful! Each photo looks as though it is a different dimension, especially the infrared photos! I envy your skills! ❤️

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