Monochrome Madness – A Sunday morning in the Docklands

We are almost at the end of the year and this week is a free week. This is where you can post whatever Monochrome images you want. As you can see I’ve decided to do more architecture from the city.

These were taken a bit over a week ago when I was walking around Docklands with my friend Steve. It was sort of a great morning, that is until we were told by two places that we were on private properly and couldn’t take photos. Seriously, all we were doing was taking photos. Nothing else. You would have thought we were doing something really bad. It is getting so hard these days with all the rules and stuff. They build beautiful buildings, but then tell us we can’t take photos.

I could understand it if we were making money from them, but we aren’t. I just take the photos and put them here. I don’t sell them, they aren’t commercial images. We weren’t taking photos of people, so what is the problem? Can someone please explain it to me?

Steve kept saying if we were just taking photos with our phones he reckons no one would have said anything.

These places have no signs saying no photography or this is private property. Even on the website of Melbourne Quarter there is nothing about photography. I have tried to contact them but got nothing back. You can just walk in with no problem.

I hate this world the older I get.

Anyway here are some of the images that we took from the street. I also have an announcement about the next theme and will do that after the photos.

The next host for Monochrome Madness #24 is me, and while it was meant to be next week, that is Christmas and it seemed like an obvious theme to choose, I decided against it. So the next theme will be on the 1st of January and we will post our favourite Monochrome Madness images from this year. It’s a good chance to look back.

This will also mean we will have two themes in two weeks, but I think we can cope.

I have decided to take the next two weeks off. I plan on still posting, but like the theme for Monochrome Madness #24 I’m just going to post one photo each day from this year. I won’t be around much, so hoping to schedule them all.

Don’t forget if you want to host one week for this I’m happy to hear from you. Take a look at the Monochrome Madness page for details and dates that are available.

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  1. I went to a park here in Lima with loads of beautiful fountains. On entering i was stopped because I had a “professional camera” (simply a Canon SLR) To take photos with a phone was no problem, but with my Canon, I needed to pay the equivelent of about $US 20. After some discussion, and showing him pictures of my grandson’s birthday party, he agreed to change the status of my camera and we were friends again. Our new understanding led to me taking a photo of him which I sent to his Whatsapp. The incident added colour to the beautifully lit fountains Lovely lines and shapes!

    1. I have similar things happen at other places, it is like they don’t understand that camera companies will sell their cameras to anyone who can pay for them. They don’t restrict sales to professionals. I am glad you were able to convince him. That is really good Geoff, maybe you should have been there with us. lol. Thank you.

  2. What a shame they were so unreasonable about you taking photos! At least you got some good ones, but it must have been very frustrating.

    1. It was a shame Sarah, I just don’t understand it and all efforts to find out why or if it is possible has gone with no response. These photos weren’t taken there, but I did get some nice ones, so will do those at another time. It was extremely frustrating. Thank you Sarah.

  3. Leanne, these images are so good. The buildings just shout lines and angles. And monochrome just accents them. Have a great Holiday and enjoy your two weeks off.

    1. Thank you Anne, it was nice to work on some architecture again. You too, have a great Christmas, do you do Christmas? Enjoy the time with family, take care Anne.

  4. I completely understand, Leanne. The issue of not being allowed to take photos goes beyond just that—it’s tied to broader concerns about private property, privacy, and restrictions. Soon, it feels like we won’t be allowed to do anything anymore. And it’s not just happening in Australia; it’s becoming a reality here in Europe too. And sadly, the ones who benefit the most are the crooks.

    1. I can understand when it is private property where people live, but this place has restaurants and invites people to go there, so why no photography no idea. It is just becoming ridiculous, at least we can still phtoograph from the street. It is also hard when you don’t know if it is private or not. That’s true. Thank you.

    1. I have no idea Alison, though if i was casing the joint I would use a big camera, I would probably use my phone. Thanks.

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