Monochrome Madness – Around the Nut at Stanley

This week is a free week where you can post whatever you like. I decided to convert some photos from Tasmania to show you.

These were taken at Stanley on the second day we were there.

First thing in the morning we went to take photos of the Nut, which is a weird rock formation there, apparently it is a lava plug. I will show more photos of it soon, but not today.

The ruins were taken near where I was taking photos in the morning. The rest of the photos were taken from the top of the Nut. There is a lovely walk around the top. It is bigger than it looks.

The views from up there were incredible.

Next Week

I am hosting you all for the theme next week. So I have decided that we will being doing STONE.

When we did rocks I thought there were heaps of photos that I had, but they weren’t rocks, but rather stone, so I want to do that next week. I hope you will join me.

Participating in Monochrome Madness

If you would like to participate in this challenge please post photos on your blog and use the tag Monochrome-Madness, then I can use the reader to see what you post.

You can also leave a pingback, do they still call them that? Basically, you put a link to my monochrome madness post in your post and it leaves a link in the comment section.

Don’t forget to check out the Monochrome Madness page. On this page, the next theme is announced and there is also all the information for participating. We have also included a list of themes that will be coming in the future so if you want to be able to plan ahead you can. They aren’t in order, but will happen. Please go and check it out. Click on the Monochrome Madness heading in the menu.

Also if you would like to host one week or more, let me know.

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    1. Thank you Elke, I am behind this week, actually struggling to catch up since I got back. I will get to your post soon.

    1. Thank you Egidio, I have to admit that is what this challenge was all about and got started, so I would do more monochrome as well. Good to hear it inspiring you too.

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