Catching up and look back at the Docklands

Last week I did this post and I’m not sure many saw it, so I am going to repeat some of it, I hope that is okay. It has been a slow week really. I moved my desk into the room vacated by my daughter and I have spent a lot of time this week setting it up. It is nice to be in a separate room and one that will make it much easier to Skype from.six-seasons-cover

Book Launch

I had my book launch last night. It wasn’t a big affair, but very glad to have it done. The book is still for sale and now i have to market it, not sure how I am going to do that, but will see what happens.

I had to give a speech, which is something I always dreaded, me speaking in public. However, this was the second speech I’ve had to do recently and I have to say, I almost enjoyed it. I wasn’t nervous at all. I just got up and said what I had to say. I think the teaching has helped a lot with it. Gives me confidence for something new I want to try out.

Dynamic Range Magazine

The magazine is still available for you to purchase, and you can buy it by following this link.

As I said last week, looking at sales for the current issue, the next issue will be the last. It is, of course, disappointing that the magazine hasn’t worked out, but I am happy to put it behind me and move onto some new things. I have enjoyed doing it and I’ve learned a lot. I have done things I didn’t think I would be capable of, especially in dealing with other people. It hasn’t all been good, but that is how it goes I suppose.

One thing I’ve learned is that I do really enjoy writing, and it is something I definitely want to continue. I am on the look out for more places that I can write for.

Article for Digital Photography School

My latest article for dPS is now available to read, follow the link:

7 Common Questions About Long Exposure Photography Answered

New Ventures

I’ve been toying around with the idea of doing some sort of course about editing. The truth is, I want to do something, but I don’t want to add to the millions of tutorials that are out there already. My thinking is that I should work on my strengths. I’m told constantly that my work is unique so perhaps that is the angle I need to come from. The artist that uses photography.

To start with I’m going to do some podcasts or short videos on being an artist. They will start soon. I want to start sharing things about being an artist and hopefully people will find them interesting.

Now that I have one book done, I’m looking forward to doing some more. I’m planning on one with a friend next year. There is another one I’m thinking about, but will have to think about that one more.

I suppose it is the constant search to find something that will be successful and make me more successful. I don’t know what it is about me. It is weird, but people don’t seem to take me seriously. I have friends who will pay others to teach them, but not me. It is weird, not sure what I can do about it, but there you have it. Anyway enough of that.


Today I am taking us back to 2014 and a trip I did into the Docklands one weekend. Sounds like it was a big trip, but it was just for a day. Back when I was trying to do the Social Snapper outings, no more to say about that. Docklands can be an interesting place to take photos, just have to look really. I will be back there this weekend, I wonder how it will look then.


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  1. You write well and your photography is glorious! You need to find a magazine who will buy your work. National Geographics comes to mind, but I bet you have equivalent Australian publications. You are amazingly talented.

    Public speaking gets easier the more you do it. Make eye contact with people in the audience. That makes it personal and gives you feedback, so it feels “real.” Congratulations on your book!

    1. Thank you so much Marilyn, this is a great boost to how I’ve been feeling lately. I’ve been looking at trying some magazines. I’ve written one that maybe published soon, not soon.
      Yes, that is what I was trying to do, look up and see people, make it look like I was talking to them. My daughter said when she saw me pull out the paper that there would be nerves, and she was really surprised that there were none. Thanks again Marilyn.

  2. Leanne, I remember telling you I could always spot your distinctive photographic style. This lovely series of photos don’t fall into your normal style in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I find the change refreshing and interesting. These are brighter, crisp and clean as opposed to your normal dark-toned shots. I’d be interested in your comments about why this is so. I think the first tram shot is wonderful – nicely captured!

    Nice work as always.

    1. These were done very differently Don, no not my usual style, not my fine art way at least. These were just snaps, really. I did them for a weekend wandering post.
      Thank you.

    1. Yes, not that it has done any good, to be honest, offering it there has been basically a waste of time. Everyone I know that has bought the book have been people I know. Only 6 people from overseas have purchased it. It is disappointing when you get so many people from the blog world giving you encouragement and then when it comes time to really help you out you can’t see them for dust. I’ve learned a lot about people in the last year or so.

    2. spot on with that phrase… can’t see them for dust!
      it made me smile as I envisioned ALL those folks…. turning into dust. sorry, that wasn’t nice.
      6 overseas buyers, not alot. but hopefully they’ll spread the word. and maybe they are the right ones to do just that!
      I guess people have to see how it can ‘benefit’ them in a ‘measurable’ way. Self marketing, is not, my strong suit. Well, once I get your book I will be sure to speak up, on its behalf and yours!

    3. Thanks, good to see that others can see that too.
      No not a lot, thankfully there have been a lot more here.
      It is such a shame that people feel that way. I buy books from people because I want to support them, when I can and in the most part I have, I hope. Thank you Debi.

    4. hi Leanne, I’ve been around and have seen good and not so good ‘teachers.’ Your knowledge and generosity in sharing is a wonderful thing. Add to that, the sequential steps you lay out the processes = a very good teacher. Other teachers see this probably easier than the lay person, I find. Art hasn’t been a very lucrative career for me; but I do find it still, more rewarding than anything else I’ve done. It is a shame, that the arts aren’t really supported like they should be.
      Leanne, I do want to tell you, that I have found your website – to be My source of Inspiration, my I’d like to be “like that, one day” … Organized. Lovely. Generous. filled with good help and info!

    5. Hi Debi, Thank you, I do worry whether I am any good, I think I get too excited sometimes. No art certainly isn’t and as the economy worsens people seem to have less money to spend on it. We need to find some way to make them see that it is worth spending money on.
      Thank you so much, that is such a nice thing to say. I’m going to send you an email.

    6. I’m chuckling abit… I get a little ‘Enthused’ in class. ah well, I’m an artist, its allowed. so I tell myself.
      Yes, I think I need to really brainstorm with ideas: How to make ART more relevant to the public. What’s in it, for them. Thats going to be the only way to increase interest in fine arts. imo Well, it gives me something to think on during the holidays 🙂

    7. Being “enthused” in class is a good thing, it means you are passionate. It is allowed, it is good.
      I need to do the same thing, I have some ideas that I am working on, which is really nice. That is a good point, working out why people want to do, or working out why they should. Marketing seems to be something we artists are crap at. It certainly does, we should have more conversations, let’s talk.

    8. I need marketing 101. lessons from …. Ken Done.
      not that I really really love his work. But – he is a brilliant master at marketing!

    9. Oh so do I Debi, He is, but I think it had something to do with the fact that he started a while a go, before the internet so to speak, before digital.

    10. yes, Ken has been around ‘awhile’ lol – I do like to try to suss out, the how and why of someone’s success and victories. I guess, in the hopes that I might be able to emulate a few of those methods perhaps. A lot of the time it comes down to have a great sales type personality, being very social etc. which, isn’t in my core nature, as I’m more of a quiet thinker type. But, I make do! lol

    11. It is a good idea to do that, see if you can find some things that will help you.I agree, I don’t think I’m credible, that is what I am learning.

  3. 2016 has been an interesting year, hasn’t it?! You really have accomplished so much, it is inspiring Leanne.
    and, congratulations on your book! plus, public speaking, thats always fun at the very start. lol
    just a thought,
    is your new book out on amazon or itunes or, any of those shops for non WP people to see?
    what I’ve discovered in the past 2-3 years especially, is that people are rapidly devaluing anything to do with the arts (this is a general observation) …I’ve been politely told, I should be giving my skills away for free, as “so and so does on You Tube” – so many people no longer feel like paying for what they think, they have a right to obtain, for nothing.
    so, its NOT you Leanne. 🙂

    1. It has indeed, and I know you saw it on Amazon, I’ve seen your other comment. 😀
      I think part of it is that as the economy weakens people have less money to spend on things considered luxury, which of course the arts are. Still you have every right to earn a living as anyone else.That is the part I don’t get. Though, I know others are successful at things, that I don’t seem to be able to achieve. It has to be something about me, something I’m not doing, or, I don’t know what.
      Thank you Debi. We artists do have to stick together. 😀

    2. what. are they – actually doing?

      are they doing more teaching/ more marketing/ more PR/ more ….. ? do they have a website blog and do what you have been doing so consistently and so kindly, for 5+ years?
      Leanne, I wonder sometimes, if some don’t just whitewash and ad lib things a wee bit so it all ‘looks’ better.
      I agree – like minded artists do need to stick together, its inspiring. and Encouraging.

    3. I don’t know what they are doing. It isn’t like they know me to be turned off by me. so I don’t know, I’ve noticed all my life that people don’t really respect me, much be something I do, I don’t know.
      Yes, that is a thought, though I see the groups when they are out, so I don’t know.
      Yes, we do, thank you Debi, I do appreciate your thoughts here. We must talk.

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