Monochrome Madness – The difference a tripod makes

I thought for Monochrome Madness this week I would pick a heap of photos that were taken using a tripod. That is all of them except the last one. That was just taken handheld, so maybe you can see what a difference the tripod makes.

The first 5 images were all taken from between 25 seconds to 2 minutes. Some were taken with filters and others were taken at night.

A couple of these you have seen in monochrome before, but most I just converted from colour images that you have seen before. Or rather that I have shown before.

If I were going into the city, or anywhere really, to take photos at night I would always take my tripod with me. I usually take Bucky, but I might start taking Brian more too.

Next week is Monochrome Madness #13 which will be hosted by Sarah from the blog Travel with Me and the theme she has chosen is TREES.

Participating in Monochrome Madness

If you would like to participate in this challenge please post photos on your blog and use the tag Monochrome-Madness, then I can use the reader to see what you post.

You can also leave a pingback, do they still call them that? Basically, you put a link to my monochrome madness post in your post and it leaves a link in the comment section.

Don’t forget to check out the Monochrome Madness page. On this page, the next theme is announced and there is also all the information for participating. We have also included a list of themes that will be coming in the future so if you want to be able to plan ahead you can. They aren’t in order, but will happen. Please go and check it out. Click on the Monochrome Madness heading in the menu.

Also if you would like to host one week or more, let me know.

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  1. Great photos! You are absolutely right about using a tripod. The tripods you have are very good but also pretty expensive. I bought a relatively cheap carbon tripod for travelling that doesn’t extend as far as yours but only weighs 800g. K&F TC2335… I don’t think they make this particular model anymore though. Because it’s so small and light there is no problem carrying it around.

    1. Thank you, glad you agree with me Stuart. I don’t spending money on a tripod is bad, if you look after it you will have it for a very long time. I have always spent lots of money on my tripods as I do with my cameras. I’ve seen people who have bought cheap tripods and had them fall over and wreck their cameras. Especially when it is windy. Be careful with a very light tripod, especially when doing landscapes, or seascapes.

    2. Yes, that’s the problem with the cheaper tripods, they can fall over in windy conditions. It’s a balance between travelling light and being restricted due to weather conditions. I also have a heavy and very stable Manfrotto tripod, but it’s too heavy for travelling. I think you’ve done well getting the 3 legged thing tripods, they seem to be the perfect balance between weight and stability.

    3. I have a very heavy Manfrotto one too, but I haven’t used it for years. I must admit I don’t travel a lot so I am mainly taking my tripod with me on day trips or in the car. I was lucky with the 3 legged Thing, I’m also part of their pro team.

    1. hahaha, my camera bag has a place on it to hold the tripod, so it goes with me. I used to hate carrying it, but now that I can put it on the bag, I’m better at taking it with me.

  2. You’re definitely right about the tripod (especially for those long exposure water shots and at night) but although I own one, carrying it more than a few hundred yards would be impossible for me! As for taking it on my travels, when I do the bulk of my more serious photography, it’s not feasible in the slightest. So I have accept the relatively few limitations that places on my choice of subjects and style of photography.

    Here’s my Monochrome Madness offering for this week:

    1. I think this is something we would have to agree to disagree on Sarah, some of my absolute favourite photos that I have got when I’ve been travelling all used a tripod. I have a small one that I put in my luggage. I guess I just feel that I would be so disappointed if I didn’t have it and then missed an amazing photo. It is bad enough when it happens here in my home town. Then again, maybe we take different types of photos so then that would be okay. I also recognise that I can’t be too judgy, just because I do doesn’t mean others must. lol. If you never feel like you miss it, then who am I to criticise. Thank you so much and your post was stunning.

  3. This is what makes me a snapshot-ist rather than a photographer! Nothing would persuade me to lug a tripod around, even for the superior results it enables you to get!

    1. I always encourage people to try using a tripod, it really gives you different photos. Though I get it if you don’t want to and you should do what makes you feel comfortable. Thank you Margaret.

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