Not quite the weekend I was expecting

The weekend was a bit of a bust in the city. It rained nearly all day on Saturday which wasn’t great after a really bad nights sleep. It is hard to be okay, but what else can you do.

We were staying at the Wyndham in the city and it wasn’t great. We were on the first floor which was disappointing. That place has some great views, but we had nothing but walls out the window. Plus the place was so hot I couldn’t sleep. I spent most of Friday night trying to cool down. I mean it is winter here, so you don’t expect to be really hot.

In the end, we decided to leave on Saturday afternoon and go home. I slept so well that night in the cold. I do like to sleep in a cold room.

I did manage to get out and take some photos on Friday night and then early Saturday morning. I used those OKKO filters on Saturday morning, though the weather wasn’t great. We decided to stop taking photos and then have breakfast, but by the time we walked out of the place where we ate it had started raining and didn’t stop.

The photos I have for you today are two from Friday night.

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  1. You still managed two lovely photos, Leanne. I’m sorry you had a hot room with a crappy view. My ex and I had a terrible experience with Wyndham several years ago, they trapped us in a time share deal, it cost me $13,000 dollars to legally get out of that crap. I advise you to stay elsewhere, look up who owns the hotel before you go. Have a good week!

    1. Thank you John, it was a time share place, my friend got suckered into it and wants to get out, but is having trouble. So we stayed there with her points. Sadly it was that.

  2. What a disappointment. The two photos are pretty, though, but what a shame about the trip.

  3. Wow, a post like that, I’m never sure if hitting like is a good thing or not. Does that indicate: “I like that you had a bad time? / I like this content, even though you were miserable?” or what? Oh, wait, I know! I’m overthinking it again.

    Sorry to hear the weekend was a tough one, regardless. It seems like we all have to deal with that sort of thing occasionally when we plan something out.

    On to the next shoot.

    1. I know what you mean by the like Matt, it can be hard to work out, though sometimes I think of it more as I hi I stopped by.
      The weekend was crap, but I did have some nice things as well. I did get to take some photos and I had a nice time with my friend.
      Yes, most definitely onto the next one. Thank you Matt.

  4. So sorry your trip was a bust Leanne. The two pictures you shared are amazing. I think we stayed at the Wyndham and it was okay. Maybe we were higher up.

    1. Yeah, it happens unfortunately. Glad you liked the images, I got lots more too, but will show over time. Yeah, you did stay there and had a much better place than we did. YOu were higher up and towards the front, our view was terrible. Thank you Anne.

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