Once upon a time on a workshop in Lorne

Quite a few years ago I did a workshop in Lorne for Long Exposure Photography. It was not a good weekend for it. It rained nearly the whole time. It was terrible.

I think it was the one and only workshop like it I ever did. I felt terrible that the weather was so bad. We ended up deciding to go and see the 12 Apostles and I think that helped make up for it. We also did Cape Otway which was nice too.

I have had the photos sitting in the folder since 2018 and recently I noticed the folder and decided to see what photos were in it. I found some that I have never processed and thought I would give them a go.

The first morning we were there we went to the suspension bridge and did the sunrise. It was a lovely spot for photos, but many of them were ruined because there were raindrops either on the filter or the lens. Such a shame. Glad I managed to get a couple of them.

The vertical shot I did of the 12 Apostles. This one really stood out to me because I don’t think I have ever done vertical shots of them like this before. The weather was crappy so the clouds are fantastic. No long exposures on that day either.

I think in the end I decided teaching was not for me. I haven’t done any workshops since before the pandemic and won’t be doing any more either. I think I enjoy just going out and taking photos and then showing them here.

I hope you enjoy these.

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  1. Beautiful photos. I think it’s cool that you tried teaching even though you didn’t think it was for you. Many people wouldn’t be that brave to try it

    1. Thank you Nora, I enjoyed meeting the people, but I didn’t like the stress of it before hand and was always worried that I wasn’t doing a very good job. The best time was when the classes were finished.

  2. These are breathtaking photos, Leanne. There is something rewarding and liberating in just going out on a shoot without any worries or obligations.

    1. I wish I could be bothered to get up more to do sunrise, lol. Yeah, I love that drama in that vertical image, thank you Anne.

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