One Image 4 Ways – Repeating one of the original challenges Week 4

Here is the last week for this repeat of the challenge I did back in 2014. I hope you enjoy it.

It is the last week of the One Four Challenge December Week 4. I have enjoyed working on this image, but this last week I was a little stumped, and in the end, I decided that it really didn’t matter, and that I should just go for it, so that is what I did.

Here is the original image again.

I don’t really know what I did.  I did put in a new sky and blurred it quite a bit. I really just wanted to see how far I could push it.  I tried embossing it and also using the high pass.  I blended layers with Silver Efex.  You name it, I pretty much tried it.

I don’t know that I think this is my favourite, in fact I know it is isn’t, but it is all part of the learning curve.  It has been fun, though I don’t know how often I will do this challenge.  It has been good to push an image more, and I would like to do it more on my own.  It is something we did when I studied photography.

Let’s look at the before and after effect.

I am going to put the original and the other three weeks images into a gallery at the end of this post for you as well. Next month I am going to repeat another one and after that will start looking for some better images.


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