One Image 4 Ways – Repeating Southern Cross Station Week 3

We are up to Week 3 here for this image. This week I did a process that I had forgotten that I used to do and think I should try it again. I wonder which image you will prefer.

I have gone back to my original image and had another go at trying to process the same image a different way. Here is the original again.

I did the reverse thing again this week, like I did for Monochrome Madness last week.  So I got the original image, and made it black and white and worked on it as a black and white image, and then when I was done, I went back to where I had converted it to monochrome and made it colour again. It doesn’t always work well doing this, but sometimes it really makes the colours stand out, I like that.

I’m not pleased with everything I did to it, that is normal, but I think one of the things that I love about this challenge is how you can learn things.  It is like you get to just play and it doesn’t have to be serious. It is a great challenge where you are encouraged to just play.

One week to go, and then I think we start again. It has been good fun and I’m looking forward to finding another image to work on.  I don’t think I picked well this time, but that has made it more of a challenge which hasn’t been bad.  I will have to spend some time working out what I will do to this image for Week 4.

The slider for the original and the week 3 image.

As I have always done, here is a gallery with each image so far.

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  1. I still like the original image best, but the sepia (week 2) image is growing on me more and more. 😃

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