Some of the birds seen on the Tamar River Cruise

On one of our last days in Tasmania we took a cruise on the Tamar River. There were so many birds to see. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t great, but I did what I could.

I’m not a bird photographer, but sometimes you just have to capture what is in front of you. I saw a lot of the White Bellied Sea Eagles which was a first for me, I think. They are the last three images.

I also tried to get more images of the birds flying, something I know I suck at. I really don’t have the lens for this kind of photography. I took all of these with my Tamron 18-300mm.

There are more but these are enough for now.

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  1. #3 and #5–I love the bit of wing fluttering in #3, but #5…! That is a great photo, Leanne.

  2. Leanne, you did great from a moving boat. That’s the lens I use when I go out birding with my friend. She has a lens that extends to 600 mm plus an extender! How she holds that thing is beyond me. But then, she is a wildlife photographer! I’ll stick with the Tamron lens. And buildings don’t move!

    1. Thank you Anne. It is hard with that lens, but I don’t do it enough to warrant getting a bigger lens. Exactly, buildings like to stay still, thank goodness.

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