One image 4 ways – Week 4 a photo from the city

This is the last week for the One image 4 ways challenge for this month. It has been an interesting one to do and I really do think I chose the wrong image. I thought this one of the city would be easy and there would be no trouble trying to work out what to do with it each week. I have to admit I have struggled with this one.

So let’s take a look at the original image.

For this last week I tried to do what I couldn’t work out last week. I wanted to make the image look like a painting. To do this I used AI in Photoshop.  I did let the original image come through a little as well. Then I decided to put some cracks over it to give it that old painting look. The cracks were done with a texture.

Does it look like a painting, well sort of. I don’t know if that is exactly the case, but I do like the way it softens the cityscape. It is an interesting effect.

I have to decide if I will do this again next month. I would like your feedback on whether you have found this interesting. If I do it again I will have to find a very different image and see what I can do with it. So let me know what you would like.

Here is a gallery of the original image and the four versions of it that I have done this month.

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  1. I found this interesting. I used to have a graphics program that turned photos into water colours painting and maybe oils, can’t quite remember. It was quite good but of course time moves on and then the latest Windows didn’t like it.

    1. Yeah, I know what you mean RJ, you used to be able to do it easily in Photoshop, but they have changed it now and it isn’t as good. Time does move on, in this case it can suck. Thank you Rj.

  2. Love the ‘cracks’ and painted style of this image. Perfect for this reflection composition.

    The original is great as it is, but as you said previously, could have been improved with some cloud cover.

  3. I love what you did with the sky on week three! Yes, it looks like a painting. I always love your photos, Leanne. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. I like the original best. The week 4 one is interesting because at first I thought it looked like a very old photo. The more I looked at it, though, I could see the ‘painting’ in it. That is my second favorite.

  5. I think you did well with making one image into four separate images. Please do it again. It shows your skill and creativity. I also learn from your explanations.

    1. Thank you Anne, it was a hard one. Okay good to hear you would like me to do it again, I will have to search for a good image to start with.

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