Catching up: it’s been a bit quiet


It has been. I’ve been trying to work out what to report on and there really isn’t that much. I do have a couple of things.

Australian Photography Magazine

I’m really excited that one of my articles has been accepted and now published in this magazine. Β It is an article on architectural photography. This one is not an article you could read online and if you are interested then you need to buy the magazine I’m afraid. Here is a link to it.

Australian Photography Magazine

Teaching Long Exposure Photography

More gear arrived today from Formatt Hitech and I’m slowly building everything up so when I get students they can have their own holder and filters for the classes.

Here is the link if you wish to take a workshop or have a lesson, Learn Long Exposure.

Product Photography

I’ve been doing a fair bit of this lately. Not something I ever thought I would do, but I have to say I quite enjoy it. I have some perspex boxes that I had made for an exhibition a few years and they are perfect for this sort of thing. They make great light boxes. I’m learning a lot about lighting and how to set things up for it as well. I am looking forward to doing more.


It does continue and I’m busy doing more articles for Digital Photography School. I’m also looking at doing more here as well. I have plans for some posts, and I’m sure you will enjoy them as well.

I really like writing for magazines and would like to do that a lot more, so I am looking for more magazines that would like me to submit. Not sure yet if I should just do Australia or look for more International ones. I will have to start a new section on my CV for articles.


I have a few photos from Instagram for you now. These are the ones that have been on Instagram this last week. It has been a great week for photography. I’ve been out so much, but it is also incredibly tiring. Still, I always look forward to the next time I go out.

I hope you are having a quiet week too. Maybe lots of photos too.

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  1. Good Morning Leanne, reading your post, this morning. I read about your doing product photography, I have to ask to make sure I am getting the right thing on my Google Search, I searched Perspex Boxes, and came up with clear acrylic display boxes. Is this what you made? I have looked over the years on Youtube and found a myriad of homemade light booths like things from large to tabletop, using shower curtain liners for the diffusing on the sides and top, to light passing through sheets of vellum.
    I just want to make sure of what you made.

    I am finally getting back to my photography, blogging and basket weaving, had to pull myself out of a several year funk, now I am also getting back to reading all of your posts and my other photography friends around the world.

    Have a great day Leanne

    1. I had them made for an exhibition, so they were custom built, they were done when I was doing more installation work. I don’t know that you would find what I have on Google. It has just turned out great that I can use them as light boxes. I put fabric or paper on the sides and shine light through it. Mine are clear, and then I put fabric or paper on the outside to diffuse the light, than add backgrounds inside for the what I’m photographing.
      Good to hear you are getting back into it all now. I hope you are finding inspiration in all the posts you are reading. Thank you and you have a great day too.

    2. Many Thanks Leanne, even though I most likely will not have what you have, I am glad that you were able to re-purpose what you have. However you have given me inspiration to try some of the homemade product photography solutions I have seen. Some so simple that I thought it could not be that easy, though much cheaper than buying a pre-made set up. Thanks so much for your reply Leanne, as always I just love your photography and what I learn from your posts! πŸ™‚

    3. That’s great to hear, my boxes were really expensive, so you don’t want to go that way, I’m just glad I could re-purpose them. They have almost paid for themselves now. Good luck.

  2. Congrats on being published in the magazine. Yes, definitely an articles section on your CV would look great. Not only do you educate others on photography, about about it also gives you a chance to reflect on your work πŸ™‚ Beautiful shots as usual on IG. Great sunrises and sunsets of late and the cloud cover seems to be working in your favour. I was out the other night doing a few shots down by the Yarra River and it was great clouds and a bit of orange sunset. Hoping to do more soon. Good luck with your writing and looking forward to reading more from you πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you Mabel, I agree definitely a good idea, I just have to get around to doing it. There have been some great ones, must remember that for next year. Good that you are getting out as well, we might run into one another one day down there.

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