Removing power lines with Photoshop – the old car again

Well, it is that old car again. I promise it is the last time I will show it to you, well like this anyway.

The other day I showed you the video of me using ON1 Photo Raw 2023 and while doing the video I tried to remove some power poles and lines. It didn’t go as smoothly as I hoped, but I’m still trying to work out the software.

After I finished the video I thought it would be good to take a look at Photoshop and see what it could do. I wish I could say it went well, but I had problems with it as well. So I did a video so you could see.

I can think of things that would have fixed the problem now, but at the time I just did the basics. You can see in the video what I did.

I hope you are enjoying these posts processing photos. If you think there is anything I should cover let me know. Like, what are layers, how to use Camera Raw etc? I don’t know, if I can do a video on them I will.

I won’t be doing two posts a week, and maybe next time when I am comparing the two, I should do them in one post. We will see. More to come.

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  1. One thing I’ve noticed with DXO’s heal brush is it sometimes works better when you’re zoomed in quite close to the object. I’m not entirely sure the algorithm it uses — which is mostly good — but I imagine the closer you are to it, it limits the available area to select from to heal. Just a thought.

    And I’m not sick of seeing that old car yet. šŸ˜€

    1. That can work with Photoshop as well. Sometimes I find it easier to do things a little bit at a time. You just never know really. I haven’t used DXO so I can’t really comment on how it works. It is interesting to see what they can do.
      I’m glad you aren’t sick of it. I love the old car. Thank you Matt.

  2. Hi, Leanne: I’m going to have to learn how to do those recordings. On the power lines, did you try the Edit-> Fill (Content Aware) sequence? I find that can sometimes work. I roughly select the object with the polygon lasso, feather at 0 pixels, then click on “Edit” then select “Fill” from the drop down menu and then select “Content-Aware in the window that opens up.

    1. I didn’t try it because you can’t do it with layers and because I use smart objects you can’t do it there either. I mean I think it would do it really well and if I really wanted to remove them from my image I would have merged all the layers and then done that. However, I was trying to sort of do what ON1 had for comparison. Thanks.

    1. I haven’t used Luminar Neo, so I can’t really comment, I think most of them can do it, it is just how good. Thank you.

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