1 image 4 ways – Architecture from Docklands Week 2

Second week and so far so good. I spent more time on the image today to see what I could do. The other thing that is good is that I have some ideas for other images as well.

I wasn’t sure whether I would do another monochrome version as I wasn’t totally satisfied with the one last week. There were things that I wish I had done to it, so it is possible that I might do another one. Maybe.

Let’s get on with Week 2.

Here is the the original.

Since I always start with the original as it is in the image above there are always things I have to do when I begin, one of them being straightening it up so the building looks straight in the image.

Since the building that I want you to concentrate on is the black and white one with the big circle on it, one job I had was to brighten it up. It is in the shade quite a bit and I wanted it to be the star of the whole image.

I also got rid of all the lights that you could see through the windows. I thought they were a bit distracting. The other thing I tried to do was remove the colour blue as I wanted to replace the sky and not have that overly bright blue. That meant getting rid of the blue in the reflections on each building.

The pole in the foreground was also removed, which I did last week as well. However, last week I left the rubbish bin there. To remove it I used AI generative fill. Took a few attempts and I don’t mind the result.

That was about it really. I quite like how it came out. Though I do think it makes the one last week seem quite dull. I think I will have to change that, I have two more chances.

I am going to do the before and after slider, but I don’t like how it looks in this format, so if you don’t like it either I can stop doing it for this image. Let me know.

As always I am including a gallery with the original and all the versions so far.

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