Changing things up

For quite some time I’ve really struggled with how I should do this blog. I’ve been at a loss and everything I try seems to take so much time, or is similar to other work I’m doing.

I thought about monetizing it, get paid to blog, but that hasn’t really happened, so it seems almost pointless. I hate doing the hard sell, and that has meant that getting money for it is even harder. Ultimately I have to wonder if it really is for me.

My role in the photography world has changed over the years. As I’ve tried to make my way in the world of it, I’ve had to try things and then try other things. I have had some success, but more failures. I need to work out what I want from this, and do that.

I know that recently I’ve been working on my own art practice a lot more and where I want it to go. I have been doing a great deal of thinking and making decisions. This is where the blog comes into it.

I don’t want to compete with the millions of other photography blogs out there, so I am thinking of changing direction with it and using it to concentrate more on my art practice. Perhaps even take the photography part out of the name. Maybe the blog can be LEANNE COLE Artist.

For now, I’m not going to blog again until next week, except for Monochrome Madness. I will have a much better idea of what I want to do then, and you may find I will start blogging everyday. I want the new direction to be about my every day, my struggles with being an artist, how I am thinking etc. I will let you know more next week.

For now I leave you with an image. One I did on the weekend when I was away. many people were unable to see it on Instagram as I believe Gramblr might not be liked by Instagram. I was Shadowbanned so only some people could see the image. If you are using Instagram I recommend you stay away from Gramblr.

Excuse the image, I didn’t have my Wacom tablet with me and I find it really hard to process my images without it. I need to find one I can take away with me. For now I ask for your patience I hope you will join my journey.

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  1. Good luck on where you want to take your blog. I’ve always been impressed with your images from the moment I followed your blog, and still remember how you blogged almost every single day πŸ˜€ I think change is necessarily if we want to stay relevant as an artist, in whatever field we do. Very happy to see that you are getting success with your recent workshops and your IG too, and with your Benro tripod.

    It is true that there are millions of photography blogs out there. It can be interesting to look at other blogs and see how they do it, but it might not work for us and the kind of work we want to do. Reaching an audience is always easier said than done, and connecting with them is another thing altogether. Good luck, and I hope things go your way.

    Personally, I plan to keep my multicultural blog going – I do feel it’s unique, but like you and your blog, I’m not making much money off it or writing at all. Recently about a month ago I bought a new camera – the newer version of Canon’s G7X. It was a lot of money and I’m wondering if it’s worth it. It is supposed to work much better in low light compared to the first version. So far I found it takes fair decent concert photos in manual mod πŸ˜€ Eager to try it out down by the Yarra River in the evenings soon. If the camera doesn’t work out, I reckon I’ll sell it like I did my mirrorless Fuji and its lenses earlier this year πŸ˜€

    1. Thank you so much Mabel. That is really nice of you to say. I think when I blogged every day it was like a habit, I had to do it, and now I’m out of that habit and feeling a bit lost with it all. I think it can be too, not just for the audience but us as well, it all become very ho hum after a while. Yes, some success, but not enough to support myself, still, I will keep trying those things.

      Yes, it is hard, I think I’ve been trying to fit into a world that doesn’t want me, so may be it is time to get back to where I want to be. I do want to be an artist not a photographer, so I think this is the right direction for the blog. I’m also hoping that I don’t lose too many followers and that people will like that I’m getting back to that. It is where the blog started really, it was to document my art practice.

      I think you are right about your blog, and you aren’t competing with millions of others, so it is good. I am sure a lot of people find it interesting. I don’t know that camera, I’m afraid I don’t really know a lot of Canon ones. I think you will find it hard to get a camera that is really good in low light, they all struggle with that. Even the really expensive DSLRs do as well, though they tend to handle it better. I always use a tripod in low light, then again I’m not photographing concerts. Good luck with it.

    1. thank you so much Julie, and thanks, it seems like the right decision, I think, I am going to put up a more comprehensive post of what my plans are on Monday.

    1. Thank you Nora, that’s lovely to hear, I guess I do, though I’m not always sure, I don’t really think about it, if that makes sense.

  2. This image is stunning. I’m thrilled by your new focus on your art. I’ve come to much the same conclusions. Hugs and happy creating.

    1. Thank you Nicci, I was really pleased with it as well. So we are both going in new directions, I look forward to seeing what you do as well. Take care.

    1. That’s okay Robert, I do have lots of ideas that I want to pursue, I just need to focus and work out how I will do them, but it is exciting and I’m really happy with the decision. thank you.

  3. I believe that with the shift to greater emphasis on your art work you will accomplish two things. One, you will not lose any of your truly loyal followers. Two, and perhaps more importantly, you will derive a greater degree of satisfaction. Best of luck to your new endeavor, Leanne!

    1. Thank you so much Peter, I really hope so. I always meant the blog to be more about my art and somewhere along the line the photography took over.It was like I was a photographer who liked art, but really I’m an artist who uses the medium of photography and I want to do that more. Thanks so much, I’m looking forward to the new direction, so many plans and ideas. I should be writing them down.

  4. I’m looking forward to seeing where this leads you, Leanne. To paraphrase what one reader said, one should concentrate on doing what brings them happiness. All the best in your deliberations.

    1. I’m looking forward to it as well Robin, who knows what will happen or where I will end up, but I am excited about it. Thank you so much Robin.

  5. As RJ said, if you don’t enjoy doing the blog, it becomes a bit of a drag really. My site is a ‘general interest’ blog, everything is on the table, maybe this format would work for you? I’ll stay tuned in here Leanne. ❀️

    1. I wouldn’t say I don’t enjoy it, I just find it hard to work out what to do. I think this new direction is more in line with the direction I want to go away from the blog as well. I want to do more with the art side of things, so I will see where that takes me. Thanks John, I appreciate your thoughts.

  6. I enjoy reading your text and viewing your images. We met through this blog, and how wonderful is that! I know that whatever path you go down, you will succeed.

    1. Blogging has been a wonderful thing, and I love doing it. I’ve met amazing people, like you, how wonderful was that day we spent together, I still smile and laugh when I think about it. Thank you so much Anne, it is a direction, I think, which is truer to who I am.

    1. Thank you, breaks can be good, and I’m working on the changes during it, I want to have a heap of stuff ready to go. Maybe you will find some inspiration here.

  7. Leanne, I’ve followed you for years. What I would like you to do is tutorials. So many questions. Maybe more advertising links on right side.

    1. Thanks Bob, the problem with Tutorials is that they take so long to prepare and write, I’ve done them before and they didn’t get much attention, so I stopped doing them. I also never knew what to do. Time will tell what happens. I have many ideas and I’m looking forward to the change.

  8. Hi Leanne! Although I have only been blogging a short time and not regular and have few followers, I understand how you don’t want to compete with the millions of other photography blogs. I agree. And what I have found interesting is that the more personal post I write, the more attention it receives. I seem to have lost my mojo with photography and need to figure out why and how to get it back. Until then, I look forward to reading your every day struggles!


    1. Thank you Tamara, I have been trying it for a while and it always baffles me how I can’t get anywhere and I’m a bit sick of it. I have been wondering if that more personal approach is better as well. Like looking into the mind of an artist. I have lots of plans, so will see how I go. Maybe my new direction will help with your mojo, we will see. Thanks again.

  9. Wonderful image, Luanne. Those of us who have blogged for many years occasionally need a change of pace – a fresh perspective – a new muse. Since we aren’t getting paid for our creativity, we need to do work we continue to enjoy. Go for it.

    1. We do, I think this year marks my 7th year of blogging and it has changed a few times, but I hope my new direction is more in keeping with who I am. That is so true, there is a sort of freedom with that as well. Thank you Sheila.

  10. Good luck as you make decisions about your blog. I mostly post my new images on Instagram and Facebook these days. Even though I still post to my blog, it doesn’t get much traffic, anymore. So, I’m also trying to figure out a new direction for my blog.

    1. Yes, I think that is a massive problem too, people don’t seem as interested in blogs anymore, or there are too many out there, which is probably another problem. You have to find a direction for yourself and see how you go.I’m looking forward to what I have planned, I’m hoping it will drive me to do more. Thank you.

  11. I suspect many of us who have started out with one goal or idea for our blogs have come to the same point you have–I know I have. And I could not hit “like” to this blog–i.e., that you would be away, without saying how much I appreciate your work and your persistence.

    1. Thank you so much, I don’t want to stop blogging as I have always found it rewarding, but I’ve been struggling with a direction, and how to do things, I think this new path is better and it feels more like me.

  12. Doing lots of thinking and I think taking a break too.
    Wishing you success in any direction… and you bet I’ll join you πŸ˜ƒ
    So glad we met through the blogs πŸ˜€

    1. Yeah, sometimes you have to do that.
      Thank you so much Robyn, that is wonderful and I’m with you, so glad we met as well. πŸ˜€

  13. I hope you continue to share with us and let me know where I can view your work if you decide to stop blogging here. I plan to stop, or slow down, posting on Facebook and other Social Media soon–no one bothers to click on the links to see my full posts here. I love the pilings photo.

    1. I hope to share more, I’m still trying to get it all worked out in my head. I won’t stop blogging here, I’m just want to change what I blog about, or how I do it.It is frustrating, I do wonder if people are getting sick of blogs. Thanks Sherry.

    2. It is funny because I keep hearing that video is rather popular, but then that requires a lot of attention. Or long blog posts, over 2000 words, I can’t figure it out.

    3. Me too. I post a composite of the same bird 6 times and say so but few read my sentance saying what it is. They say what a nice capture. πŸ™‚

  14. Hi Leanne, I am also on a bit of a hiatus as I figure out new direction for my blog and I understand your need for some space and time to figure things out. Good luck with the changes.

    1. Hello, nice to hear I’m not the only one going through this. I have some ideas, so I’m happy with some of things I want to do. I am looking forward to laying it all out, but I do need some time first. Thank you and good luck with your blog as well.

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