Fagus in Autumn colours around Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake

Being at Cradle mountain when the leaves on the Fagus trees changed was special, click here for more information.

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  1. Beautiful. I’ve never been to Cradle Mountain, but friends have and tell me it was well worth the hike.

    1. It is beautiful Vicki, if you ever get a chance to go, I would grab it. It is so nice. Big walk though, but you don’t have to do the walk. Thank you Vicki.

  2. Your stories always remember me on our 2015 trip around Western Australia and Tasmania where one hike was the tour in the Cradle Mountains around Dove Lake.

    1. That is great to hear Reinhold, I haven’t been to WA, but I’ve been to Tassie a few times now. Cradle Mountain is fantastic to visit. Thank you.

    1. Take care John. The weather has been heating up here, getting really warm.
      Do you remember the conversation we had about car registration? I have been watching body cam videos and see that you have to do TPC separately from your rego, in the state I live in our TPC is part of registration which is why it is so expensive. So we pay $900 a year for both.

    2. I remember that, I forget what TPC is. Sorry. If this is car insurance, nine hundred dollars is what I pay for three months of insurance. Add to that my home insurance too. Nevada is among the most expensive car insurance states!

    3. TPC is Third Party Cover, so if you hurt someone, but not your car insurance. So our registration included 3rd party insurance, but not car insurance, we have to pay that ourselves. My car insurance is aobut a thousand dollars for the year. I get cheaper because we hardly use our car.

    4. That’s almost nothing John, I was trying to work out why insurance in Las Vegas would be so high. It is because of DUI’s or something like that? It has to be because of the area being a high accidents or something.
      I got some insurance through a company that rewards you if you do low Kilometres, so we have had our Mazda for 5 and half years and only done 32000 kilometres, so not quite 20 thousand miles I think it is. Good number apparently.

    5. It’s a very low yearly mileage. I’m a home body in his happy place as well as my bike rides.

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