Floral Friday – What is flowering this week

Spring is here and it is getting warmer. Every time I go out into the garden there are new flowers. It is so nice after such a long time with almost nothing.

I need to get some seeds planted so we can get more and more. I will get onto that this week. It is growing season and I love seeing stuff grow.

I hope you enjoy these, there is lots more to come.

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  1. Lovely to hear about spring’s arrival just as our days draw in and my garden at least begins to look bedraggled and battered in the early autumn storms. More flowers very welcome!

    1. Thank you Richard, mine is coming to life as yours is shutting down for winter. I will be sharing a lot more as more come up over the next few months.

    1. Las Vegas would be too hot for you. It’s beautiful during the winter months though. Highs in the 60s to the 80s at times. Great biking weather!

    2. I could handle the heat, I just don’t want to. It gets pretty hot here too and I remember growing up with no air con or fans and just having to try and get to sleep. I do love air con, that has really changed it a lot. I imagine you get the same heat as us, a very dry one. Also the flies come out a lot more in the heat and the snakes. lol

    3. I understand, it’s 15 percent humidity here just now at 10:10PM. It’s beautiful outside!

    4. It is 100 percent here right now, but hey that is probably because it is raining, lol. And it is very wet outside. Just as well I watered the garden this morning.

    5. That sounds so relaxing, Leanne! You remind me of thunderstorms as a young man in Michigan. ❤️❤️😊

    6. Oh we had one of those last night. Scared our cat and she disappeared for a while. The lightning was amazing. We do get a few thunderstorms.

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