Getting the best night photos using a tripod

Before we start the post today I want to talk to you about comments on my blog. Now nothing bad.

I have noticed that people don’t always get to see their comments here. I don’t understand what happens. I moderate them and have done so for many years. I used to do it so comments from horrible people didn’t get left. I could delete them before that. Thankfully that hasn’t happened for quite a few years.

Another reason is so I can keep up with them. I don’t get the number of comments I used to, but if someone leaves one on a post that is a bit older there is a good chance I could miss it, which is what used to happen all the time. So I don’t approve them until I can leave a reply.

The final thing I want to say is that I don’t get to them as quickly as people might like. So if you don’t see your comment with awaiting moderation,or whatever it says, then please wait. While you can’t see it, I can and will respond as soon as I can. It might be a day before I get to it. If after that time it still isn’t there, then it has disappeared so you might need to leave it again sorry.

Today’s photo

I want to show you two photos of the same thing. They were taken at the same time when I was in the city.

This first one was taken with my phone.

The second one was taken with my camera.

Naturally, they aren’t exactly the same, but I like the photo taken with the camera more.

I used a tripod, my new one Brian from 3 Legged Thing.

The second image settles the water more and the lights are stronger in it. There is more depth to the image. Part of the reason for it is that it is a 16 second exposure. It didn’t completely smooth out the water, but I like how it looks there.

I’m never great at explaining it sorry. I am far happier with the second one and would always choose to take photos using the tripod and camera over the phone.

Here is the tripod set up for the shot and I will add the other two so you can look at them better.

You can see the image on the back of the Fujifilm X-T3 and I had the 16-55mm lens on it. I think I love that lens.

I just wanted to show how using a tripod can only enhance your photos and give you more choices, especially when taking photos in the dark.

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  1. Without a tripod and just clicking, my phone does a better job at night than my cannon. Now where did I put that tripod?????

    1. I have to admit I have found times when my phone did better too, but add a tripod to the mix adn the phone can’t compare. Thank you Geoff.

  2. I agree that the second image, with the camera, is better. It shows the benefits of using a tripod but that’s not something I feel able to lug around with me. Sometimes I find an unofficial ‘tripod’ in the shape of a handy wall or similar, otherwise I just manage the best I can, and on those occasions I find the phone can give better results than a handheld camera 😀

    1. That’s great Sarah, glad you agree with me. That’s a shame that can’t lug one with you. I’ve never travelled without one, even if it is small I’ve always been glad that I took.Thank you Sarah.

  3. That is so much better. I need to start using my tripod again. My camera and lenses are so old but still probably better than the phone. I do have a tripod for the phone, so to be fair I should try it. I like seeing the pictures of the tripod. Thanks for the explanation about comments. I like how you call trolls horrible people. Haha! You tell it like it is.

    1. Oh yes, tripods are your friend. Lenses don’t matter, they are always good. The problem with the phone is that there are lots of limitations. Yeah, the comments can be hard to keep up with at times. lol, they are horrible people, though they really come out now, probably on Instagram now. Thank you so much Nicci.

  4. I agree, a tripod can make all the difference in night shots. I learned that shooting a bridge and river scene at night, I think it was almost a 30 second exposure to get it right. But worth the learning curve!

  5. It’s hard to explain but the image with your Fuji and a tripod is the finer shot. The iPhone shot is perfectly acceptable for most, but the clarity, color and comp are superior in the second. Also, I love my Punks Corey 3-legged thing Tripod. So lightweight and a decent workhorse. Thanks, Leanne. 🙂

    1. I think so too Jane. I agree about the phone, they take decent shots in perfect conditions, but outside that they can struggle. I love that you love Corey, that is fantastic, mine are workhorses too. Thank you so much Jane.

  6. What do you mean you don’t explain it well? You do a great job at it.
    I do like the night time photo taken with the camera…the blue is much richer and picture crisper.

    1. Thank you so much, glad you think so, I always find the words a bit at times.
      I like your word richer, I think that is perfect.

  7. I liked the first photo just fine…until you pointed out the differences between it and the second photo. Ah, yes. Now I see the differences and like the second photo better. Interesting to go back and forth comparing them.
    Lot of people moderate comments for the very reason you have stated–the nasty comments. Your response to me is always in my reader, so no problems on my end! It’s your blog, Leanne. You do you!

    1. I thought the same, when I first got the phone photo out, I thought is that going to be a good example, then I saw the camera one. I think it is too, someone wlse used the term richer which i think is a good word for it.
      That is great to hear Lois, glad you don’t have any problems. Thank you.

  8. all i have is my phone which isn’t great, and it’s clear to see the difference when using a camera

    1. I mean you can get good images with your phone, but if you want amazing ones you need a camera and tripod. Thank you Beth.

  9. Both awesome shots, Ive been wanting yo tey some night shooting. There are a number of places yhat i think will just look far superior lit up at night. Gonna root out the old tripod. Or would a mono do the job? Great post as always, never fail but too inspire 😉

    1. Thank you Ed. I love night photography, you can get some amazing images. Yes, find the tripod and see how you go, you will get such better images. The problem with a monopod is that for night photos you are looking at a much longer time, so if you think you can hold a monopod for 16 seconds, say, without it moving maybe you can do it. I couldn’t.

  10. Comments are something the rules seem to change from time to time. In my case I cannot comment back, like a thread, on another persons web site using Jetpack. IPad and WP are still not fond of each other.

  11. My comment always shows up right away, Leanne but I noticed that you don’t get a lot of comments which is a bummer. I have never moderated my comments, I don’t get enough of them!

    1. That’s good to hear John. It is a bummer, but I think it reflects what is happening to blogging in general. It is sad. Thank you John.

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