Introducing artists that I admire – Peter Eastway


Over the years I have been doing these sorts of posts, but now I want to do a lot more posts where I am introducing artists that I admire to you. Ones that have been influencial in my own work, or just ones that I like. When it comes to my photography, one of my biggest idols and influencers has been Peter Eastway.


Introducing artists that I admire

You will notice that today’s artist is also a photographer, but I think you can admire artists from many different genres and mediums. When you are learning, and even beyond you should always look at art and see what you can get from it. You can see how people are working. See if they are doing something that you might like. So each week, if I can, I am going to be introducing you to artists that I admire, but also others that we can get something from.


Peter Eastway

I have been following Peter Eastway on his journeys for many years. I suspect I first learned about him with the magazine he publishes, Better Photography. He started the magazine in 1995 and it was around that time that I first discovered him. It may have been with the first issue, but I can’t be sure. I knew when I started seeing his work that I wanted to be just like him.

Who is he?

Peter Eastway is an Australian photographer and publisher. He has been taking photos for many years. This is from his website:

Peter Eastway is an Australian photographer known internationally for his landscape photography and creative use of post-production. A practising professional, he shoots editorially (mainly for Better Photography magazine) and works selectively in advertising and portraiture.

If you go to his website you will find a lot more information about him.


What I like about him

His images were always so different to what everyone else was doing at that time. It probably isn’t the case now, as so many have tried to emulate what he does. Of course, when I first fell in love with his work he was working with film. What he could do in the darkroom would blow my mind away.

He, indirectly, gave me the courage to do my own thing and experiment. When I would think about where I was going with my photography he would come to mind. I never felt like anything was impossible. Though, he is a landscape photographer, the idea that everything had to be straight from the camera, just isn’t true with him.


Capture and Post Process

I recently heard him saying that there are two parts to an image. The first is taking it, or capturing it, and the second is post processing. Whether you do the second by just doing basic things to your image or by doing a lot more, you do need to do some post processing. Even in the darkroom you still had to do some of it so the image would look good. The idea of straight from the camera is really something that has only come about since the advent of digital photography.

I have spend a lot of time watching videos and reading about his workflow. Trying to understand what he does. There are aspects of his photography that you should be able to see that I put into my own work as well. The way he leads you into an image and uses the light to show you what you should be looking at. I believe he is better at that me, but I continue to try.

The vignetting that is evident from many of his images is definitely something I got from him. While I don’t believe you should copy how others do their work, there isn’t anything wrong with borrowing a couple of techniques for your own work.



He has been a massive influence on the way I work today. Perhaps not as much as he once was. I do believe with all artists there comes a time to move past your idols and find your own voice, which is what I hope I am doing now. Still, there are residual effects, like the reason I am a Nikon shooter is because when I first went to buy a good SLR, he was using Nikon. It seemed to make sense to me to do what my idol was doing, or with the gear. He no longer shoots with Nikon, and has now moved onto Canon and Phase One.

When I grow up I want to have a similar career to him. It is probably too late for that to happen now, but there have always been aspects that I wished I could be like. Perhaps the reason for writing about photography is part of it. He has a magazine, I tried to have one, mine failed, but I do enjoy writing. I am, perhaps, not a landscape photography as he is, but I enjoy the process of his work and where he takes an image. I guess I dreamed of writing for his magazine, Better Photography, but I don’t think that will ever happen.

Tales by Light

Recently, I really enjoyed seeing the episode of him on the Australian production of Tales by Light that is on Netflix. One line that really resonated with me is how he enjoys post processing as much as he does taking photos. As soon as I heard that, I thought, yes, I’m exactly the same.

Here is a video from YouTube that shows some of the images he got from there.


Without a doubt, when it comes to my top 5 artists and influencers Peter Eastway is definitely there. His work is so amazing. How can anyone not like it! If you would like to see more about Peter, then take a look at his website, click here.

Here is a gallery of some of his images.


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Further Reading

Influencing Me: Edward Hopper

Taking a look at a painting by Melbourne Artist Rick Amor

Influencing Me: Michael Kenna

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  1. Hi Leanne, fully support boosting the profile of our wonderful artists. There is a site to promote local / regional galleries and victorian artists – be it painters, photographers, sculptors etc. Check out “”

  2. Hi Leanne, You mentioned to look at other artists for inspiration and that reminded me of one of Steve Jobs rules, he once said creativity is connecting things. He meant that people with a broad set of life experiences can often see things that others miss. He took calligraphy classes that didn’t have any practical use in his life — until he built the Macintosh. He says don’t live in a bubble, Connect ideas from different fields.”

    By the way I really like the work you’re doing with long exposure.


    1. That is a great way to look at the world, or engage with it, I like it Chris, thank you for sharing that.

      Thank you Chris, I really enjoy doing the long exposures.

  3. A visual treat! Thank you for introducing Peter Eastway to us, Leanne! There is something to be said about post-processing.

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