Let’s take a look back at what I posted back in January 2016


I’m still in summer mode, I’m afraid. I don’t like going out and taking photos when it is hot. I hate the light and I end up just deleting the photos that I take.

Now this gallery is not from January, I just posted these then. Some are from here and some are from my trip to the US, which had taken place only 4 months before this. It was still very much on my mind. However, I was also posting images from here as well.

I hope you enjoy this look back.

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  1. Very beautiful photos of NYC, Leanne! You don’t want to try photography during a Las Vegas summer when it’s 110+F !! 🔥🔥

    1. Thank you John. Yeah I don’t think I would like it either. I hate the summer light, it kind of takes the colour and saturation out of everything.

  2. Great images Leanne. I especially liked the Fulton Station in NYC. I love the angles and lighting. I don’t mind seeing images again.

    1. That is such a great station to photograph. I wish I had had more time to photograph it, but we just passed through. That is good to hear, I like seeing them again as well. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Ted, it is nice to show older images again. I have so many. So you spent a chapter in New York or California Ted.

    2. That’s interesting Ted, I hadn’t heard that before. I am not sure I would like to live there. I like my city Melbourne.

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